Welcome to the Glest boards. I agree, that GAE and Megaglest could certainly use XML defined keyboard shortcuts (which I will refer to as "hotkeys"), so that we can do what you suggested. There are a few hotkeys that exist though, and here is a full list for default hotkeys (note: the original glest is no longer developed, but GAE, or the Glest Advanced Engine, may be found on the
Glest Advanced Engine board here):
a) Camera
f => toggle free camera mode
w => move camera up (only in free camera more)
s => move camera down (only in free camera more)
a => rotate camera left (only in free camera more)
d => rotate camera right (only in free camera more)
space => center camera on selection
up arrow or mouse on top => move camera forward
down arrow or mouse on bottom => move camera backward
left arrow or mouse on left => move camera left
right arrow or mouse on right => move camera right
b) Orders and Unit selection
left mouse button => select or deselect units
shift + left mouse button => add unit to selection
control + left mouse button => remove unit from selection
left mouse double click => select nearby units of this type
right mouse button => auto order
menu click => activate order
left mouse when order is activated => give order
right mouse when order is activated => cancel state
number => recall group
control + number => assign group
c) Network
enter => start typing/send chat message
h => toggle between 'All' and 'Team' chat modes
n => show network status
d) Hotkeys (only in game camera mode)
a => activate attack command for selection
m => activate move command for selection
s => issue stop command to selection
i => select next idle harvester
b => select next building
d => select next damaged unit
t => select next storage unit
r => select next producer unit
e) Other Keys
- + => adjust game speed (disabled in multiplayer)
p => pause game (disabled in multiplayer)
e => save screenshot to TGA file (located in INSTALL_DIRECTORY/screens)
GAE sports customizable hotkeys, which are defined in the "keymap.ini" file (which is located in your "PERSONAL_FOLDER/glestadv". ie: for windows, that is your user folder, such as "C:\Users\YOUR NAME"). This file will look like the following:
ChatAudienceAll =
ChatAudienceTeam =
ChatAudienceToggle = H
EnterChatMode = RETURN
MenuMain =
MenuQuit = ESCAPE
MenuSave = Z
MenuLoad =
QuitNow =
QuickSave =
QuickLoad =
PauseOn =
PauseOff =
PauseToggle = P
SpeedReset =
NetworkStatusOn =
NetworkStatusOff =
NetworkStatusToggle = N
SaveScreenshot = E
CycleDisplayColor = C
CameraCycleMode = F
CameraZoomIn = PAGE_UP
CameraZoomOut = PAGE_DOWN
CameraZoomReset =
CameraPitchUp = Shift+W
CameraPitchDown = Shift+S
CameraRotateLeft = Shift+A
CameraRotateRight = Shift+D
CameraAngleReset =
CameraZoomAndAngleReset =
CameraPosLeft = ARROW_LEFT
CameraPosRight = ARROW_RIGHT
CameraPosUp = ARROW_UP
CameraPosDown = ARROW_DOWN
CameraGotoSelection = SPACE
CameraGotoLastEvent = Shift+SPACE
SelectNextIdleHarvester = I
SelectNextIdleBuilder =
SelectNextIdleRepairer =
SelectNextIdleWorker =
SelectNextIdleRestorer =
SelectNextIdleProducer =
SelectNextProducer =
SelectNextDamaged = D
SelectNextBuiltBuilding = B
SelectNextStore = T
Attack = A
Stop = S
Move = M
Replenish =
Guard = G
Follow =
Patrol =
Rotate = R
LuaConsole = BACK_QUOTE