Author Topic: Shortcuts and others suggestion  (Read 2073 times)


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Shortcuts and others suggestion
« on: 20 October 2010, 23:25:52 »
first at all my congratulations for devs, this game is really cool.

Well here's my suggestion.

You need to add and fix some shortcuts because in rts games are important specifically in wars and the evolution of factions too.

i'm talking about of build shortcuts, and offensive defensive skills. In others rts that i have played they have shorcuts for any unit and builds and this is effective to advance fast in civilization ages, but in games like this units have skills and players need to move all units fast as possible to win in rts games.

I saw egypt faction priest have a heal skill then when i press this button and click in a terrain near my faction units or allies he go to heal any hurt unit i think this is a good use for recover forces in the end of a battle but the problem is when i send some priests at same time to heal near units aplying past explication only one make job, this skill don't have shorcut is necesary i think select all priest, press heal shorcut and click in terrain near units then i go to watch my workers or create more units, seconds later i send new units to agroup with full health units to battle again (very very important to heal expert, legendary, ancients etc.. units) i pay much attentions in that units to attack more powerfull enemies or tank they.

I think right click with selected battle unit is to move but when i send units with right click in any place and in their way appear enemies they ignore then i think is better if right click is used like A key in other words send A shortcut key to right click.

another sugges is with minimap, the shift key and right click works fine i press shift and right click in various place to set a route this is good for explore but is more effectively to use in minimap like aoe2 i press shift in selected explorer unit and press right clicks in all black minimap to find enemies, gold, stones etc...

At last to use shortcuts for all skills units, i have talked with titi about this and i suggest him to use alt + 1,2,3,4  depending of unit skills.

here a little example in aoe2


H select urban center.

H,C create a villager

B build menu.

B,E Build house

B,I build mill.

B,B build barracks.

B,Z build wood camp

point . select villager with no job.

coma , battle unit with no job.

Exploring unit is considered battle unit so i have this secuence.

game start.

H,CCCCCCCCC (and receive a message with no more food xD) (select a villager with point shorcut) B,E Shift right click 3 times in terrain (select a villager with point shortcut) B,I right click near food (select a villager with shortcut key) B,Z right click near full trees place (select a explorer with coma shorcut) shift right click in all minimap. all this in three or four seconds meanwhile new villagers appear.

Sorry my bad english  ;)

Little Helper

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Re: Shortcuts and others suggestion
« Reply #1 on: 20 October 2010, 23:56:41 »
Welcome to and thank-you for the suggestion. I am pretty much sure there are already shortkeys for Orders and Unit Selection. However you are suggesting shortcut keys for specific units, units types and skills. I definitely agree with the skill shortcut keys but I'm bit confuse how are we suppose to do that if we have multiple skills like; heal 1 skill or heal 2 skill? If you want to see the S-Keys in readme.txt from Megaglest, Glest Advance Engine, or Glest find it in it's directory\doc\tech, anyways read on for Megaglest's
 S-Keys. Thanks for your suggestion I'm pretty much sure most of our devs will look into this, and again welcome to glest hope to see you around Glest Board.

-Little Helper

*Note I only snip the S-Keys for "Orders and Unit Selection" from MG's readme.txt*

b) Orders and Unit selection

left mouse button => select or deselect units
shift + left mouse button => add unit to selection
control + left mouse button => remove unit from selection
left mouse double click => select nearby units of this type
right mouse button => auto order
menu click => activate order
left mouse when order is activated => give order
right mouse when order is activated => cancel state
number => recall group
control + number => assign group
« Last Edit: 21 October 2010, 00:07:17 by Little Helper »


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Re: Shortcuts and others suggestion
« Reply #2 on: 21 October 2010, 00:52:03 »
Welcome to the Glest boards. I agree, that GAE and Megaglest could certainly use XML defined keyboard shortcuts (which I will refer to as "hotkeys"), so that we can do what you suggested. There are a few hotkeys that exist though, and here is a full list for default hotkeys (note: the original glest is no longer developed, but GAE, or the Glest Advanced Engine, may be found on the Glest Advanced Engine board here):
a) Camera

f => toggle free camera mode
w => move camera up (only in free camera more)
s => move camera down (only in free camera more)
a => rotate camera left (only in free camera more)
d => rotate camera right (only in free camera more)
space => center camera on selection
up arrow or mouse on top => move camera forward
down arrow or mouse on bottom => move camera backward
left arrow or mouse on left => move camera left
right arrow or mouse on right => move camera right

b) Orders and Unit selection

left mouse button => select or deselect units
shift + left mouse button => add unit to selection
control + left mouse button => remove unit from selection
left mouse double click => select nearby units of this type
right mouse button => auto order
menu click => activate order
left mouse when order is activated => give order
right mouse when order is activated => cancel state
number => recall group
control + number => assign group

c) Network

enter => start typing/send chat message
h => toggle between 'All' and 'Team' chat modes
n => show network status

d) Hotkeys (only in game camera mode)

a => activate attack command for selection
m => activate move command for selection
s => issue stop command to selection
i => select next idle harvester
b => select next building
d => select next damaged unit
t => select next storage unit
r => select next producer unit

e) Other Keys

- + => adjust game speed  (disabled in multiplayer)
p => pause game (disabled in multiplayer)
e => save screenshot to TGA file (located in INSTALL_DIRECTORY/screens)

GAE sports customizable hotkeys, which are defined in the "keymap.ini" file (which is located in your "PERSONAL_FOLDER/glestadv". ie: for windows, that is your user folder, such as "C:\Users\YOUR NAME"). This file will look like the following:
Code: [Select]
ChatAudienceAll         =
ChatAudienceTeam        =
ChatAudienceToggle      = H
EnterChatMode           = RETURN
MenuMain                =
MenuQuit                = ESCAPE
MenuSave                = Z
MenuLoad                =
QuitNow                 =
QuickSave               =
QuickLoad               =
PauseOn                 =
PauseOff                =
PauseToggle             = P
SpeedInc                = EQUAL, KEYPAD_PLUS
SpeedDec                = MINUS, KEYPAD_MINUS
SpeedReset              =
NetworkStatusOn         =
NetworkStatusOff        =
NetworkStatusToggle     = N
SaveScreenshot          = E
CycleDisplayColor       = C
CameraCycleMode         = F
CameraZoomIn            = PAGE_UP
CameraZoomOut           = PAGE_DOWN
CameraZoomReset         =
CameraPitchUp           = Shift+W
CameraPitchDown         = Shift+S
CameraRotateLeft        = Shift+A
CameraRotateRight       = Shift+D
CameraAngleReset        =
CameraZoomAndAngleReset =
CameraPosLeft           = ARROW_LEFT
CameraPosRight          = ARROW_RIGHT
CameraPosUp             = ARROW_UP
CameraPosDown           = ARROW_DOWN
CameraGotoSelection     = SPACE
CameraGotoLastEvent     = Shift+SPACE
SelectNextIdleHarvester = I
SelectNextIdleBuilder   =
SelectNextIdleRepairer  =
SelectNextIdleWorker    =
SelectNextIdleRestorer  =
SelectNextIdleProducer  =
SelectNextProducer      =
SelectNextDamaged       = D
SelectNextBuiltBuilding = B
SelectNextStore         = T
Attack                  = A
Stop                    = S
Move                    = M
Replenish               =
Guard                   = G
Follow                  =
Patrol                  =
Rotate                  = R
LuaConsole              = BACK_QUOTE
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Re: Shortcuts and others suggestion
« Reply #3 on: 21 October 2010, 13:36:49 »
For multiple skills maybe alt + 1 or alt + 2... alt + 0 can be use for this

