I'm a pirate....and not by choice. I only pirate music that I have:
A)Paid for at some point in my life but was scratched, stolen, broken, etc.
B)Actually supported the artist for preforming at a venue which gives them more support than record sales (which benefit media corps:artists at an average 10:1 respectively)
As for games, I've been meaning to shell out for savage2 for some time now but have had other priorities for my taco-bell sized wallet...like family.
As a rule of thumb I don't even think about pirating games that don't run natively on linux. I wouldn't want to falsely represent interest in something I have none for. As in the case of Savage2, Dwarf Fortress, Battle for Wesnoth and other indies that have taken the time to port their stuff to linux and opengl I show support by purchasing or donating what I can (which isn't much, and is usually in the form of moral support).
When it comes to gaming....if it isn't free and/or linux native...then I have better things to do/support with my time and energy. DRM? I wouldn't pirate if I could. Projects I do donate to tend to have real life value and social benefit, like drugs-forum. But making available the scientific truths about drugs and drug use in a draconian culture of witch hunt always seemed more important to me than what I've come to refer to as clicker crack.