Meh, I hardly think a simple "on destruction" message is worthy of lua commands in the unit's XML. If you really want a message on death, then why not one simply XML tag for that? Lua commands seem to be overkill, especially since there aren't really any other useful commands (after all, you can't tell it to go to another unit, there's no way of knowing the other unit's ID number, nor can you tell it to attack a player's base, since there's no way of knowing if that player number exists, or if it is even an enemy, and you can't tell it to go to a location on the map, since theres no way to know the map the player is on. Other functions like setDisplayText and showMessage are total overhaul, and will just annoy the player (ideally, if such a feature was to be used, it would be best off as similar to "faction destroyed" message.