When I single-game, I choose Options and then select Beginner1 Scenario for the game, the game minutes later, an error message appears.(Beginner3 Also the emergence of this issue
I use the operating system is win xp sp3
My friend is using the operating system Windows7
By the way: When the Initiate to my territory, my soldiers to attack him, after a while Initiate death, I ordered my soldiers back to Castle, this time an error message appears.
This is my log file Download the game
After several tests, scenarios have emerged in the scene inside this issue.
scenarios which are present in all scenarios the problem.
http://www.wikiupload.com/PWU8RLYU37Y4JGBfromFactionIndex = 1
unitFactionUnitCount = 21
unitFactionIndex = 0, commandStateType = 0, commandStateValue = -1]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\game\commander.cpp::Glest::Game::Commander::buildCommand Line: 479]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\game\commander.cpp::Glest::Game::Commander::buildCommand Line: 529]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\game\commander.cpp::Glest::Game::Commander::buildCommand Line: 541]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\type_instances\command.cpp::Glest::Game::Command::Command Line: 60] unitType = [Unit Name: [golem] id = 10 maxHp = 2000 hpRegeneration = 3 maxEp = 1000 epRegeneration = 10 maxUnitCount = 0 fields index = 0 value = 1 fields index = 1 value = 0 properties index = 0 value = 0 properties index = 1 value = 0 armor = 45 armorType Name: [stone id = 4 light = 0 lightColor = x
- y
- z
- multiSelect = 1 sight = 10 size = 2 height = 2 rotatedBuildPos = 0.00 rotationAllowed = 1 skillTypes: i = 0 Stop i = 1 Move i = 2 Attack i = 3 Morph i = 4 Die i = 5 Be built commandTypes: i = 0 Stop i = 1 Move i = 2 Attack i = 3 Attack stopped i = 4 Morph storedResources: levels: i = 0 ancient meetingPoint = 0]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\game\commander.cpp::Glest::Game::Commander::buildCommand Line: 562]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\type_instances\unit.cpp::Glest::Game::Unit::checkCommand Line: 1435]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\type_instances\unit.cpp::Glest::Game::Unit::checkCommand Line: 1448]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\type_instances\unit.cpp::Glest::Game::Unit::checkCommand Line: 1456]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\type_instances\unit.cpp::Glest::Game::Unit::checkCommand Line: 1476]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\type_instances\unit.cpp::Glest::Game::Unit::checkCommand Line: 1510]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\ai\ai_interface.cpp::Glest::Game::AiInterface::giveCommand Line: 116]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\types\unit_type.cpp::Glest::Game::UnitType::getFirstCtOfClass Line: 411] commandClass = 6
In [..\..\source\glest_game\types\unit_type.cpp::Glest::Game::UnitType::getFirstCtOfClass Line: 423]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\ai\ai_rule.cpp::Glest::Game::AiRuleRepair::execute Line: 126]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\types\unit_type.cpp::Glest::Game::UnitType::getFirstCtOfClass Line: 411] commandClass = 6
In [..\..\source\glest_game\types\unit_type.cpp::Glest::Game::UnitType::getFirstCtOfClass Line: 423]
In [..\..\source\glest_game\main\main.cpp::Glest::Game::ExceptionHandler::handleRuntimeError Line: 186] [Unknown error!] gameInitialized = 1, program = 02F2BA28
In [..\..\source\glest_game\main\program.cpp::Glest::Game::Program::showMessage 605] msg [Unknown error!]
MegaGlest Exception: 0xe06d7363 [0xffffffff]
[Unknown error!]