Author Topic: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas  (Read 6551 times)

the warlord of the reich

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ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« on: 19 November 2010, 02:40:47 »
hi guys.

i introduce this topic for the business of ideas and opanians for new mods

lets all bring new ideas for new mods to be made. this will be helpful for modders (who like to mod around) or you can say your opanians and favourite units of the current mods.

i say there should  be a new mod based on WARHAMMER: BATTLEMARCH where theres the orcs & goblins army. and the ratmen and rat beasts armies. and the empire of the south. and drak elves and high elves, the barbarian savages of the north. and the dwarven army.

another idea. make an arabian mod! arab tribes men and clanwars. or chinese mod of their civil war in feudal times. there was an epic drama through the chinese clanwar.

i like british mod!

lay your opanians here. feel free to talk


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #1 on: 19 November 2010, 03:09:13 »
Hmm...I think there was a mod based on Warhammer before...cept I think it was mostly retextured units.

An idea thread huh? Interesting...although there were many threads like this in the past...

the warlord of the reich

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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #2 on: 19 November 2010, 05:43:32 »
I KNEW IT! IS DAMN KNEW IT! i should have got more sense to realize that theres must be somebody else who had the same idea of a topic. and also i checked for a sticky one! damn


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #3 on: 19 November 2010, 11:37:51 »
this will be helpful for modders (who like to mod around)
Actually, probably not.  We typically have more ideas than we know what to do with, and just not enough time to finish them.


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #4 on: 19 November 2010, 14:22:56 »
Looks like my old thread "What would be the ultimate mod?"
Generally speaking from my own experience, mod ideas are plenty, picking something that could be doable and fun though, is very hard. I think the purpose for this thread should be not to come up with mod ideas, but disguiss wich one that coudl potentially be fun; and leave the useless ideas back. Though, all probably have different opinions, sorry for not making it clear in this post, im like zzz..


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #5 on: 19 November 2010, 14:38:06 »
Although I think everyone who can mod has a project going right now, I still like these threads. It's good to get ideas going and spread inspiration. You never know how many good ideas we could be missing out on.

I had an idea for a tech-tree. If I wasn't already working on Constellus I would make it.
It would be set in a post-apocalyptic earth. The planet is dead, and no food can be produced, so in there is massive starvation and chaos. After a few decades of all governments breaking down, All people are now cannibalistic. Everyone is scattered into different groups fighting to eat each other.

The way it works is if you kill one unit, you would get about 3 food resources. So you literally need to fight to become more powerful.
Also as more units become available, they start looking less like humans and more like gray-skinned, blood-thirsty cannibals.

That's pretty much all I thought out. I have a few more ideas if anyone's interested in making it though I guess. I was thinking about calling it "Hunger..." or something along the lines of that.

the warlord of the reich

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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #6 on: 22 November 2010, 06:35:51 »
i was thinking....

and i got a BRAND NEW IDEA!

what about a medieval mod? knights and pikemen, longbowmen etc

would be lots of fun. right? the regular glst is medieval VS magic anyways. but this is gonna be like vikings VS english or normans and scottish VS other fctions.

if you like the idea. it is probably good for glest to make a mod like this!


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #7 on: 22 November 2010, 06:55:28 »
i was thinking....

and i got a BRAND NEW IDEA!

what about a medieval mod? knights and pikemen, longbowmen etc

would be lots of fun. right? the regular glst is medieval VS magic anyways. but this is gonna be like vikings VS english or normans and scottish VS other fctions.

if you like the idea. it is probably good for glest to make a mod like this!

have you heard of the Megapack?

the warlord of the reich

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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #8 on: 22 November 2010, 06:58:25 »
nooooooooooooooooooooo :|


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #9 on: 22 November 2010, 06:59:43 »
that means that either you've been playing GAE or the crappy Glest from the website. download MG for the Megapack.


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #10 on: 22 November 2010, 16:00:23 »
MG got norsemen (vikings), I belive i`ve told you before warlord.

Maybe, now it is time warlord, start a topic and make your faction  ;)

the warlord of the reich

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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #11 on: 23 November 2010, 05:25:44 »
i dont know any crao about computers, how am i gonna mod?

i feel realy eager to make my mod. its gona be cool  :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #12 on: 23 November 2010, 08:51:43 »
Modding stuff...

The Glest Guide(by Omega)
(can someone give me a link, I don't know what it is currently? other mods feel free to edit)

-The Tools Board(moderated by John.d.h)
« Last Edit: 23 November 2010, 09:04:33 by John.d.h »
Egypt Remastered!

Proof: Owner of


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #13 on: 3 December 2010, 02:40:29 »
some mods i would like to have/see/make are star wars old republic and sith empire and a marvec/comic book faction


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #14 on: 3 December 2010, 02:50:26 »
some mods i would like to have/see/make are star wars old republic and sith empire and a marvec/comic book faction

i told you that a comic faction just wont work (and im not talking about dodging copyright laws); but a star wars mod would be cool (especially if it's based on the Galactic Civil War, aka Episodes 4-6)


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #15 on: 3 December 2010, 03:25:52 »
some mods i would like to have/see/make are star wars old republic and sith empire and a marvec/comic book faction
Sorry, but that won't happen...for various reasons. I'm pretty sure we (community) discussed this already.
The closest thing would probably be SST:LD.


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #16 on: 3 December 2010, 03:41:06 »
some mods i would like to have/see/make are star wars old republic and sith empire and a marvec/comic book faction
Sorry, but that won't happen...for various reasons. I'm pretty sure we (community) discussed this already.
The closest thing would probably be SST:LD.

Or Glest In Space.


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #17 on: 3 December 2010, 14:32:27 »
yeah i know we already disscused them but i wanted to post it on the proper page for it.
i told you that a comic faction just wont work (and im not talking about dodging copyright laws);
also i have been trying to get the comic faction to work by not using copyrighted names or names that are 1 pearson.
Sorry, but that won't happen...for various reasons. I'm pretty sure we (community) discussed this already.
The closest thing would probably be SST:LD.
Or Glest In Space.
and also i can't get sst or glest in space to run on any of my computers.
but a star wars mod would be cool (especially if it's based on the Galactic Civil War, aka Episodes 4-6)
i am still working on getting the map for star wars made and i think i am going to go with an old republic or galactic civil war.


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #18 on: 10 December 2010, 00:13:45 »
this is the sites that has the maps on them only marvle,marvle 2 star wars old republic,and empire


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #19 on: 20 January 2011, 06:52:13 »
Why not make a tech tree with all the factions together?

the warlord of the reich

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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #20 on: 20 January 2011, 07:51:06 »
Why not make a tech tree with all the factions together?

very true. and verry good idea. but that may not go well. like choosing the roman faction and japanese faction. would'nt that go wrong? feudal japan at mediaval VS ancient romans may not go well at all. really


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #21 on: 20 January 2011, 13:17:22 »
actuality that is a relay good idea and i already started on it a while ago i just haven't ever got it done.
one problem that there was thou is having units with the same name but i fixed it i will let people know when it is more near done.


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #22 on: 11 February 2011, 02:35:12 »
actuality that is a relay good idea and i already started on it a while ago i just haven't ever got it done.
one problem that there was thou is having units with the same name but i fixed it i will let people know when it is more near done.

I've just been putting all the factions into one tech tree. Right now I have 37 factions together. All I really had to do was add any new armor and attacks to the tech tree xml. On occasion I had to convert resources back into stone, gold, and wood.


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #23 on: 11 February 2011, 02:47:37 »
actuality that is a relay good idea and i already started on it a while ago i just haven't ever got it done.
one problem that there was thou is having units with the same name but i fixed it i will let people know when it is more near done.

I've just been putting all the factions into one tech tree. Right now I have 37 factions together. All I really had to do was add any new armor and attacks to the tech tree xml. On occasion I had to convert resources back into stone, gold, and wood.
i did not worry about converting resources i just used what it needed and made sure you could get more when necessary.


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Re: ideas for new mods. lay your ideas
« Reply #24 on: 11 February 2011, 03:51:48 »
actuality that is a relay good idea and i already started on it a while ago i just haven't ever got it done.
one problem that there was thou is having units with the same name but i fixed it i will let people know when it is more near done.

I've just been putting all the factions into one tech tree. Right now I have 37 factions together. All I really had to do was add any new armor and attacks to the tech tree xml. On occasion I had to convert resources back into stone, gold, and wood.
i did not worry about converting resources i just used what it needed and made sure you could get more when necessary.
But then the new resources replace old resources and make all the other factions unable to gather resources. Like the factions from the man vs bunnies tech tree. It uses mushrooms instead of gold and rock instead of stone.

