GAE 0.3 introduced the config directory, a location for addons and the like for users who may not have access to the normal directories of Glest. Currently, this can only be set as a parameter when running the program (from a shortcut).
I propose (and, to be honest, beg) that the INI can have the same setting, as well as a setting for the "start in" directory (the reason why a shortcut has to be used. Not sure if this was fixed or not). What would happen is the INI would also have a setting, which, by default, would not exist, but can be created, which will have the relative path to the config directory. The purpose of this is to facilitate mods that require changes to the config directory. If the program was started with an attribute for the config directory being passed in, it will use that one over the INI setting, but if nothing was passed to the program on startup, it would use the INI setting, thus, people who don't have access to the install directory can still set a config directory by changing it by passing the parameter to the program (such as with a shortcut or command line).
There are no cons to this, as it will not change the default distribution. It is also a very minor change, but one that will solve a LOT of problems for me with cross platform distribution, and that will carry on to making it easier to install cross platform-wise.
Relatedly, if the "run in" shortcut parameter (windows, unsure of linux equivalent) could also be moved to the INI, that would ensure we would no longer HAVE to use shortcuts to run the game.
EDIT:// I forgot that the INI is stored in the config dir, so there'd also have to be a generic INI available in the install directory itself for the initial run.