no no no. PBY had a cannon. and also the machine guns were'nt so inaccurate but weak and light and also some of them were used in land and infantry battles 
kate were'nt as the devestator. kate was alittle better. as result of much better performance. judy was'nt a type of "super" dive bomber but MY POINT IS TO SHOW WHAT THE IJN GOT
fail. betty bombers had a slightly better performance probably then any bomber the US had in the begin of the war. and also they were used in sevrel oprations as they were survivors of much alot of AA fire. also because of their good height of throw. maraudars were killing more US pilots then japs. but the US had those mitchel planes. they were awfully good and powerful
typhoon was amazing but air combat was trouble.
stuka CAN win an air fight but against minimum enemy air planes. stukas are slow but have got 2 guns in it. the stuka was amazing performance in the war.
zero was upgraded. and the allies had needed much time to discover its weakness. corsairs were not as good as zero. and P40s are not. and wildcats are not. zeros prey easily on enemy bombers and planes. also much aces used it. i heard of a battle of some sea i cant remember its name. it was in the pacific where a squad of 4 zeros toke down about 12 or 9 of those advanced twin-engine allied planes.
nope. still mosquito is heavy and slow while its wood. but when bombs are dropped. its no longer trouble. it was good but WOOD is'nt gonna protect from any incoming air machineguns. especielly the ones on planes are extra heavy and srong to shoot down anything.
zero can be broken apart by probably a shoot crosbow but its FAST. i saw some fighting scenes and kamikaze attack on youtube. there was zeros the allies keept shooting at like a 1000 bullets and nothing hit it. the troops dident learn or had the skillof balastics and this plane can outrun bullets.
jill was an upgraded versions of kate. kate was good it was said. it was probably the mosteffective plane during the kamikaze too. loaded with guns and explosions and bombs and filled with feul it will bomb down a cruiser if it hits the back or the deck or somewhere velunarble. jill was also said to have a good performance during the war. there was another exelent plane of IJN is shinden and tony and raiden. shinden can destroy anything probably. 1 can shoot down atleast 3 bearcats. tony was an exellent plane with high menueverbilityand armament. it was a feared plane of the war. and raiden with a large engine. was also able to to carry 250 IB bombs. it was with heavy shooting guns.
PBY WAS big. its a fact about it. it was recon. and just as emily. full of guns and arms. the guns werent in the plane anymore ITS A PLANE IN GUNS
most splendid.
what else to say? dauntless was a very good plane INDEED it can bomb from huge height. and was comon used by US troops.
WW1 planes? you know about it? i dont. tell us more. Read this, the catalina DOESN't have cannons

, most recon planes werte big but the catalina was smaller then the emily, the emilys roughly as big as the sunderland, most ships sunk by kamikazes were destroyers, transports and unarmored light carriers, cruisers, battleships and larger carriers, especially the british carriers were a near unsinkable target, the bearcat never fought in WW2 and it was just as maneuverable as any japanese plane, but had greater weapons, armor and, speed due to a large engine, while the japanese planes were good they were not necessarily excellent and even at the end of the war, not even their super prototypes were good enough for the corsair or mustang, the firefly was also a nice elegant two seat fighter. the zero was not that fast, it never even reached the 400mph mark its engine only went from 950hp to 1320hp through all its marks, not counting the first near un produced model. Compare this to the me109 which went 760hp to 1800hp, or the spitfire which went 1050hp to 2500hp, both were well over 400mph by their mid to late models. ,the mosquitoes slow, is it

, read those stats, its faster then the zero and most german fighters in its mid version, it also had a far higher altitude, the wood is not that easy to destroy, especially due to the great design of the mosquito, the mosquito was pretty small actually, plus you gotta catch it first, it was very sturdy and could absorb any punishment up to the 20mm mark and then, most planes can't stand it anyway. The aces flew the zero because it was the only major IJN fighter of the whole war, also those aces flew till they were crippled, captured or dead, just like the germans and Soviets, the zero did not make much of an improvement in anything from engines to armor to weaponry. the allies did not need that much time pearl harbor to midway is a roughly 6 month period, and the allies lacked many aircraft there, almost all of those in the location were poor types, the japanese were fighting Brewster Buffaloes, hurricane mk1,s gladiators, blenheims and wildebeests, the few times they tangled with the AVG, american volunteer group, they slaughtered the japanese with their p-40's, both the p-40 and wildcat had inferior maneuverability but with their armor greater firepower and roughly equal speed they could fight it out on near fair terms, I do however admit that neither of the planes was particularly modern. the typhoon was very good versus air too and it was known as a great hunter of the german Jabo raids on england, they took down Focke wulfs me 109s, v1's, you name it. the stulas performance in air to air combat is miserable, it had two guns true, but each was of but a 7.92 mm calibre which is extremely inefficient against planes w/ self sealing fuel tanks, their anti ground performance is based on the first one to two years of the war where they fought the polish and french, both lacking adequate air power, in the battle of britain, they were withdrawn fast because of the damage the RAF was wreaking on them, the russinas also lacked air cover, but in a year they were also chasing stukas away. one of the few incidents of stukas shooting anything down was in the Slovak uprising when two stukas shot down a lone, out dated aero 328 biplane doing recon work. The marauder had initial problem but once fixed it became a feared bomber just like the b-25, and the betty was a rough equal of the venturas and blenheim IVs only less armored but with a slightly larger payload, their successes came against undefended ground and sea targets. why do you think the allied pilots called them flying cigars

, by the way, what do you mean by fail. the kate was no better then the devastator but it was provided with such overwhelming fighter cover that it was able to make its torpedo runs fine, but once that was gone it was screwed, just like the unprotected devastators at midway, the best torpedo bomber was probably the avenger, it had a bomb bay, 1 ton carry capacity, and a .50 cal in a stabilized turret.