Design principles:
* should fit on 1024x600 screen (netbooks), less important elements may be available on larger screens only
* It would be nice if colors somewhat match the in-game colors (green, shades of grey, brown, gold, white, ...)
* All pages should bear:
* the MG logo in the same spot
* a language selection UI
* a footer line containing links to CONTACT + PRIVACY pages
* OSI + GPL logos linking to LICENSE page
* does not require flash
* does not require javascript
* uses current web standards (XHTML + CSS)
* validates per* optionally have all below pages shown in a frameset and load and autoplay game music in a tiny frame (with start/stop button), possibly also make the web chat always visible this way (but it would be good if it was also resizable then)
Structure and content:
MAIN MENU: links to all pages mentioned below
MAIN PAGE: announcements/news area, community area featuring hot forum threads with direct links and link to MG main forum, large screen shot (the best one we come up with), short (one-sentence) textual description of the game pointing to ABOUT page, area listing the latest game version (pointing to DOWNLOAD page), area listing currently running games, newsletter signup area for subscribing to the announcement mailing list, social web area allowing for integrating with social network sites etc.
ABOUT: longer textual game description/feature overview/requirements (can be based on previous descriptions of MG, as well as descriptions of Glest and GAE, as well as third party reviews of MG, Glest, GAE) incl. due credits to vanilla glest developers, screen shots and/or embedded video (use HTML 5 video tag if possible, downgrade as neccessary); introduction (images and possibly text) into the default factions (cf.
); press reviews (possibly just google news/search link/embedded results) / testimonials
DOWNLOAD: automatic detection of downloads matching the user agents' OS (and, if possible, architecture) by javascript or server side branching code (see for example), complete overview on all available downolads if detection fails and as opt-out of branching
MODS: illustrated list of (and web links to) existing (and compatible to MG) modifications, based on existing MOD thread on the forums, manually maintained at the start, community maintained later
SUPPORT: links to / embedding of (possibly just hottest topics of) FAQ/knowledge base/wiki; integration of (pointing to #glest), explanation of IRC (recommended clients)
DEVELOPMENT: web links to most relevant features, SCM, revision history
CONTACT: Contacts for project lead, mailing lists (posting addresses, archives)
LINKS: web links to Glest + GAE and related resources,
PRIVACY (separate page, not contained in main menu): privacy policy / TOS etc.
LICENSE: page detailing the game licenses (code, graphics, add-ons etc.)
Implementation principles:
* Since this is game and thus the website is and will always remain an hobby, we need to keep the website as easily manageable as possible, with as little outdating content as possible
* This may require a future-proof but simple CMS, and one which has a flat learning curve, rich text editor or the like (such as a wiki), but is still able to match the design principles
* Alternatively, custom code (based on a PHP framework?) can be used, but keep it simple and document it so others can take over maintenance