yeah right.
Yamato had fire control. It had radar directed guns. Although not as accurate. Fired its shells in an area. The Yamato had the best turning radius. The best stability. The shells that plunge even at short range ( and had ability like a torpedo). It had effective 6 inch guns ( if good trained crew). It could take lots of punishment. All its secondary guns could do more damage and had better range than Iowa secondary guns.
meybe you should get your facts more right next time
saying that IJN ships never and wont have any radar control guns is like saying that if tow countries go to war both wont expand their weapons and advance them to overwhelm the enemy's army and attempt to fight at better chances
zeros are exellent planes WITHOUT any doubts, it has an incredible feul tank. real agility. i toke one of world's greates fighters at the war, it was a lethal dogfighter which IJN will probably lose the war much quicker without it, the zero can outfly and outfight ANYTHING the allies had, it can fly for 1900 miles without a refill
all IJN fighters and bombers were made to be agile and fast and menouverble. like ninja
USA made them to be all round but never seem to success properly..... trying to combine armor and powerfull guns and speed and agility in one plane is extremley hard. so allies dont gain their purposes. theres always weak points
USA navy's AA if it was as good as you say it would have not lost lexignton and other ships and transporters....
and also countred back attacking kamikazes with ease
IOWA is a piece of crap for a head on fight with yamato....
about radar, the yamato had some primitive radar for only its main guns, second of all the post wildcat US fighters were far superior to the zero. I severely have doubts of the zeros capabilities, the hellcats, which according to you are "inferior" slaughtered them with ease, the p-38 was meant for speed and firepower, it also slaughtered zeros really cheap, the two seat firefly shot down zeroes as well and I haven't even reached the corsair, it was faster, well armored, could knock a zero down with a few .50 cal hits had near equal range and could carry 2000, then 4000 pounds of ordnance against the zeroes 500 or something, plus 1900 miles is only achievable with external fuel tank, not with just internal fuel
, the zero was an okay fighter early war, poor in mid war and near worthless, in the wars final years
, the US and RAF fighters were all around very good as were the german and USSR fighters, the japanese fighters on the other hand were good and occasionally excelled in maneuverability and range but lacked the firepower, speed and armor to keep up with the times, maneuverability decided combat in WW1 but in WW2 it was decided by speed and firepower which japanese fighters lacked, The Yamato barely took more punishment then the 3/5 of its weight Prince of Wales, its endurance was in no way extraordinary, its cannon lacked accuracy and the medium artillery was about equal to anything the allies had but not superior and it was in open casemates making it vulnerable to strafing and HE bombs, the US fighters were extremely efficient in suppressing AA fire by strafing the anti air positions and killing the crew, in my honest opinion the order of technology in varying aspects is as follows the first one is in my opinion best, last one is worst,
Air fighters-US, RAF and Germany tied, USSR and Japan tied, Italy.
Air bombers-US and RAF tied, Germany, Italy, Japan, USSR
ground attack aircraft-RAF and US tied, Germany and USSR tied, Italy, Japan.
Aircraft carriers-UK, USA, Japan, for others this is N/A
Battleships-USA and UK tied, Germany and Japan tied, Italy, USSR
destroyers-USA and UK and Germany all tied, Japan and Italy tied, USSR
cruisers-USA and UK tied, Japan, Germany, Italy, USSR
Subs-USA and UK and Germany tied, Italy and USSR tied, Japan.
light tanks-USA, USSR, Germany, UK, Italy and Japan tied.
Medium tanks-Germany and USSR tied, UK, USA, Italy and Japan tied,
Heavy tanks-USSR and Germany tied, UK, USA, for others N/A
Armored cars-UK and Germany tied, USA, Italy, USSR, Japan
Logistics-USA, UK, Germany, USSR, Italy, Japan
training-UK and Germany tied, USA, USSR and Japan equal, Italy
Anti tank guns-Germany, UK, USSR, USA, Italy and Japan
radar-USA and UK, Germany, USSR and Japan, Italy=N/A
What do you think, pretty fair judging huh, I think the best medium tank of ww2 was the comet and the best heavy tank its probably the IS-2