dude, russians had poor guns either and also volkstrum and militia-mostly all nazi forces were armed with heavy damage MP40 and MG34 and gehwer guns, kar 98 was'nt bad infact it was effective both close range and long range to counter back assaults, russia had poor industry resulted in weak weapons and primitive aswell,
try to not fix the crapness of UK's anti-sub defense, the cannel contains craploads of dead convoys or ships, what anti-sub defense? sonar? water bazookas? no. it operated completley submerged so please under stand that it could not be possibly seen by a ship or a plane or any other crap like that, I 400 was capeble and extremley large with a medium anti-air gun and the planes WERE impressive, taking out scouts and intercepting, even shooting allied supplies or reinforcments, and also a powerfull armor, and also you have the range advantage for a fallback by recoil so you will not b caught, omg, yo fallback while reloading, dettach, fire, limbre and reload, from a mximum range you cant be caught at all,
allies had like good anti-air like what gun? bofors? dont tak about it it stinks in anti-air it had a poor armor and very short range while ostwind and werbelwind were medium and long range and were able to fire while moving bieng mobile and powerfull anti-air
particulary? dude, katyusha was widley and unbelivably inaccurate, it was firing like 50 missiles for a single vehicle or something out, nebelwerfer was happens to be probably one of world's most accurate missile launchers
ever heard of germany's armored vehicles and recon? they were even able to punish and completley trash and shower infantry AND tanks with shells and machineguns, that germany had the best armored vehicles and recon in the war, best planes especiielly in speed goes for germany, completley, while allied aircraft usually lacking armor and guns and agility, they didnt make all round planes while ME109 was an able and capeble planes, and focke wulfs was all able to shoot and manuever and accalearate and shoot,
hey how can like fortify a tank while moving it? your gonna like rope the sandbags on the tank or your just guns shower the sand over the tank? and panzerfausten was an elite anti tank was more then capeble and fearsomly able to take nearly all the world's tanks out at the time,
russia dident had planes to counter back those railguns, and railguns were more then able to bomb up and trash 40 shermans with 1 precise shot
british paras? are you serious?they were almostly doing like nothing in the war, they were'nt trained, anyways the whole britis army was very regular instead of elite, it had a small army untill germany invaded they quickly conscripted large numbers of people to their army with low training they were pushed, volksturm were one of the last troops surviving the wr that fough with germany do you know that? they slaughtered tanks
panthers and tigers were able to fire while moving, and for your information, churchills were weak tanks, lacking a good gun, it would be easily ambushed or even stupidl attacked by infantry and fried up,
werbelwind was'nt inaccurate infact its mass bullets can ripe an entire air offensive with just inaccurate and unconcentraed fire, fail... and also heard of ballestics?
you can take out a marder by encercling it or by jumping like a superman over it, no so easy to shoot it out without a skyscarpper either,
jagdpanther could out beat and like put a nice piece of iron through the armor of all allied tanks
smoke? so what, like the russians are gonna send cossacks to handle it? artillery anything? nope, smoke is'nt a problem and also there was no rocket launcher dustless, and nebelwerfer was completley terrfying russian otherwise the germans wont build so many arresting camps and jails in russia, sheesh!
nearly all allied tanks were armed with extremley poor guns, do you realize that 3 panzer III can take out a churchill? and do you realize 2 pershings would be squished under the gun of a tiger king? and do you realize that a panther can defeat an anti-tank column? and also sturmtigers were one of the best at taking out an entire armored division, and stug dident need a turret, it was an assault gun, whats the actual point of a turret?
First off, the militia was generally armed with just rifles, smg's like the mp40 were usually used by the following, NCO's, secondary weapons for gunners, tankers weapons, and paratroops. Infatry squads were organized as I just mentioned, 5 riflemen, a 3 man machine gun team with an mg34 and later and mg42, and a mp40 armed nco, fallschirmjager had and extra 2man machine gun squad, only limited numbers of troops ever recieved weapons like the stg44 and fg42-43. compared to this, american squads almost always consisted of a mix of semi automatic carbines and tommy guns, while the russians were armed either with lots of bolt action rifles but in the case of Guards soldiers and assault troops, it was near 100% smg's and SVT's with lmg support, british squads were the only ones who maintained the doctrine of bolt action rifles but also had sten gunners and bren lmg's in support.
The allies had depth charges, their sonar could detect submerged submarines and they had figured out a variety of sub hunting tactics.
The I-400 had no notable success against allied ships and the planes it carried were only meant for scouting and very light bombing, they couldn't outfight anything in the air.
The allies had plenty of good anti air that was almost never used against ground target against which the bofors was actually quite effective, the americans had the 90mm that was the equivalent of the german 88 and the british had the capable 3inch and 3.7inch AA guns, The german AA guns were roughly equal to the allied ones, the allies had 2omm the germans used 20mm, and they both used medium AA guns in the 37-40mm category, neither of them was much better then the other. Also, the German SPAA guns couldn't shoot with any accuracy while moving, similar to the american m16 halftracks and UK Crusader AA guns.
As I said, none of the rockets were very accurate and the nebelwerfer was among the least accurate, the katyusha wasn't very accurate either but could flatten and area with the sheer amount of firepower.
German recon like what, the sdkfz 221 and 222, the 231, the 234/1 or the 234/2 puma, of these, only the puma was good recon in combat ability, also, other then the 234 series, the maximum armor of these cars was usually 8-10mm, compare this to the abilities of the AEC's, staghounds and daimlers and you have a clear difference. German armour was generally just better in armor(occasionally) and weaponry(also just sometimes) but lacking in maneuverability and speed and reliability.
The late war german planes were slower then allied planes, roughly equally maneuverable, equally or less armored and in weaponry generally worse for fighter versus fighter combat, the spitfire had 4 light mg's and two 20mm's, the american planes all had 6-8 50.cals and the typhoon had 4x20mm's, compared to this, only the focke wulf had comparably rapid fire and heavy armament, the messerschmitts 30mm was low velocity and innaccurate, while the light machine guns were too bad for the armor of the times.
Thats exactly what they did, rope sandbags or weld extra armor to their tanks or attach angled aluminum plates, HEAT relies on an explosion channeled into its targets armor to break it and kill everyone inside the unfortunate vehicle, However, it had to hit at a certain angle to cause the penetrating damage needed, against which the angle plates were adequate to cause rocket projectiles to slip off. It also had to make contact with the actual armor, if it blew up a mere 6 inches away, the metal fragments and projectile force would just patter harmlessly onto the targets armor, german schurzen works this way, and the add on sandbags, spare track and metal plates worked just as well in stopping the projectile just short of the target. Also, while panzerfausts could take out all but the heaviest armor in reality but it doesn't take much ingenuity to stop HEAT attacks.
Also, russia initially didn't have planes due to the treacherous surprise assault launched by the germans, later their shturmoviks would more likely then no wipe the offending rail gun off the face of the earth in a flash. Also, I doubt a rail gun would hit anything smaller then a city with any accuracy.
British paras heroically held off repeated german attacks at arnhem, despite being greatly outnumbered, they also capture multiple targets in the airborne assaults around D-Day and so on. The volkstrumm took out tanks but not in great numbers and they could easily be beaten off by tank riders and supporting infantry. Also, the small british army, was the best trained in the world but inexperienced, later in the war they were the best allied troops and probably just as good, if not better then german regulars and SS. The few better trained organizations were the paratroops of other nations, rangers, SAS, various commando units and possibly the ANZAC troops.
I'm not denying the german tanks ability to fire on the move, but they couldn't do so with much accuracy due to the lack of stabilization on their guns.
Before you insult the churchill, realize that its main weakpoint was its gun, otherwise, its front armor could stop a tigers 88 or panthers 75 and while vulnerable from the sides, it could still stop a pak 40 or panzer IV cannon, it also had great cross country ability, was used as a flame throwing and engineering tank, and stayed in service long past WW2. It could be ambushed easily without infantry support but so can every type of tank, and getting ambushed by a tank is something it can usually notice on its own. and before you start insulting its vulnerability to ambush, realize that soviet, british and finnish troops took all sorts of german tanks out with cheap molotovs and hand carried explosives, some british paras took out panzers by dropping plastic charges from windows onto the german tanks top.
Yes the whirlwind was inaccurate, as was every other non radar guided AA gun of the period, only in modern times, with small portable radar, are AA tanks accurate. also, with an open roof and light armor its easy picking for tanks and infantry.
A marder can be taken out with an AT rifle, it had what 20mm maximum armor, it also had and open back and roof which means its vulnerable to artillery and grenades, it is a very vulnerable vehicle, while not being very stealthy, its main advantage is its cheapness.
The jagdpanther was nice and could take out all allied tanks but lacked particularly strong armor anywhere but in the front and while looking low down and stealthy it was in fact, larger then a churchill in weight and height. I just got a flames of war model of one for christmas and when I compared it to the churchill crocodile I have, I was quite surprised by the difference.
Smoke will bring counter battery fire, and airstrikes which due to the nebelwerfers relatively short range will have no trouble finding it, also, while all rocket launchers make smoke, the other launchers are generally truck mounted of mounted on armoured tracked suspensions or even on shermans. The reason germans had so many POW camps was because of the amount of prisoners gained after the treacherous Barbarossa attack, long before the nebelwerfer came to service.
Do you realize that three panzer III's versus a churchill might possibly scratch its paint, their guns would barely dent the armor, let alone penetrate it. Realize that the koenigtiger weighs about 30 tons more then the pershing and the super pershing, which is still lighter but better armed would take it out with one hit. It is also possibly vulnerable to the pershings main gun, even from the front.
A panther is based on the concept of an assault gun and lacks proper side armor, it is not, in my opinion a remarkable tank.
A sturmtiger is cool but its 380mm rocket mortar is meant to wreck buildings and not tanks, it was inaccurate and rarely used, an interesting project nonetheless.
The stug has a good gun and strong front armor, otherwise, it has but 30mm side armor at the max while lacking good slope on the sides and rear.
Lastly, the point of a turret is to be able to move your gun without having to turn the whole tank, it also means that if your tracks get blown off you can keep shooting, which a turretless assault gun can still do but can't turn to face any attacker unless they attack it head on. Assault guns are cheaper then tanks because they don't need a turret and all the included mechanical parts and production hindrances but on the battlefield, they are very limited.
Oh, and before you criticize russia's inferior designs, realize that their t34 was amongst the most revolutionary tanks of the war, as was the IS-2 and the later IS-3, the IS-2 is near unarguably one of, if not the best tank of the war.