Author Topic: history's greatest disaster  (Read 3072 times)

the warlord of the reich

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history's greatest disaster
« on: 8 December 2010, 18:53:46 »
what you think of history's greatest human disaster you have ever seen?

people have suffered from pain and blood and death from the things they made by themselfs. their own hands, their own souls and ideas. they had died beneath the things they invented. saying humans can do things in a cause of helping people but it leads to eterneldeath of many or few. few or many or nothing. its the same. the subject or object dident serve its rightfull purpose but their owners said it will do it, it will not sink, it will not crash, it will not burn, it wont fall or kill the people boarding or using it. but it does. it kills them instead. it leads to the death, with the people said it wont and the viewers confidantly belived. they got fooled and now they must run and atempt tosurvice impossible or hard chances in the attempt to escape from the thing that will provide them a home, transport, services, but now it pursues them to kill

they said titanic was unsinkable.. humans can make a ship that cant be sunk. that can face nature without bieng sunk or caughting fire or even thrown in the air across the seven seas. but how would they even challange nature or god's will? how can you have the confidance to challange god's will and do it. huh? god's hand is no more eh? but what happened? the unsinkable sanked, and the uncrashable crashed. the unpentratable pentrated. the powerful collapsed

never say "i can't" or "it will never happen" or "this will never occur forever" or even "this will last forever it wont fall or vanish...."

titanic sank at the blink of an eye.

brandenburg crashed down when it was all landing... when evreyone thaught safety is already secured, the mighty airship falls down on fire, the producers and explorers and invistgator untill this day are not even sure about the reasons

i say world's largest disaster was titanic, they say "this ship does not sink at all" and guess what, IT SANK BY A PIECE OF ICE

dont challange life and say evrything will never happen. or its impossible, because god can make it happen in no time. he can turn earth to a diffrent planet in a diffrent univarse in a diffrent aspect of life. logistics are abit redecilous i might say....



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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #1 on: 8 December 2010, 19:55:42 »
It was a Hindenburg not the brandenburg :O :O, I'd say the greatest disaster was either WW2 or the genocides commited by Mao Zedong, Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot


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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #2 on: 8 December 2010, 20:40:06 »
Haven`t seen any, sorry ;) probably,  Chernobyl


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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #3 on: 9 December 2010, 03:25:03 »
I'm going with wyvern. I don't see how anyone can think the Titanic or Chernobyl could possibly be as castrophic as World War 2, which was without doubt the worst act of genocide ever commited and caused 50-70 million deaths, as well as being the only time that a nuclear weapon was used against humans (I don't care if it "won the war", it was the wrong way to do it).
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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #4 on: 9 December 2010, 03:32:31 »
the war could have been avoided and the atomic bomb was terrible, though invading japan could have cost millions more innocent lives :'(

the warlord of the reich

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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #5 on: 9 December 2010, 07:18:46 »
kill lots of people once instead of making somethng will kill more

now iran is going to bomb the world because of this man made deadly lethal weapon


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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #6 on: 9 December 2010, 07:22:09 »
kill lots of people once instead of making somethng will kill more

now iran is going to bomb the world because of this man made deadly lethal weapon

yeah, I`ll just hope US special troops can sabotage something and make it so that wont happen..

the warlord of the reich

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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #7 on: 9 December 2010, 07:37:50 »
saudia will help you ;)

there will saudis commandos and US commandos as for sharing the glory of it

i hope once iran's stuborn ass filled with nuclear is shot down USA or any other country will destroy and get rid of this thing of destruction

people think nukes are strong, it will expand into something more lethal if a war of tow nuclear owning countries

korean war is aout to start, this one seems to have alot of htrd betweeen both sides


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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #8 on: 9 December 2010, 07:47:23 »
the war could have been avoided and the atomic bomb was terrible, though invading japan could have cost millions more innocent lives :'(
yeah,but US had already killed millions of innocent lives by air assault with B29 on major cities of japan. :look:
Everytime I hear this kind of the sophism,I doubt US people make light of evil of Nuclear bombs.
In some ways,It's true that using nukes ended the war faster,but at that time japan had lost most of it's military strongness and sooner or later japan accepted surrender,if only allied assured us to save the Emperor's prestige.
I hope US people wouldn't forget that US is the ONLY country used nuclear bomb against human.
and have responsible as one of the nuclear-weapon states.
« Last Edit: 9 December 2010, 10:47:35 by Hagekura »
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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #9 on: 9 December 2010, 11:01:36 »
An excellent book that will greatly inform and expand minds:

the warlord of the reich

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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #10 on: 9 December 2010, 15:01:05 »
war, based on killing other side. is probably one of the major things that made our world expand to more modern and easier lifes, although it causes death....

war is something that has more advantages then loss, war causes death. corspses and immense riches and fame, heroes and techenology and inventions, land and conquest and glory looking from the monarch and ruler and power and army's eyes, depending on the type of war

in peoples thaughts. war is just bad, they always cried about it and they will always do

(click to show/hide)

this is WAR
« Last Edit: 10 April 2016, 16:44:34 by filux »


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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #11 on: 9 December 2010, 16:02:48 »
war, based on killing other side. is probably one of the major things that made our world expand to more modern and easier lifes, although it causes death....

war is something that has more advantages then loss, war causes death. corspses and immense riches and fame, heroes and techenology and inventions, land and conquest and glory looking from the monarch and ruler and power and army's eyes, depending on the type of war

in peoples thaughts. war is just bad, they always cried about it and they will always do

this is WAR

deleted your spolier for slower connections ;)

Agreed on the technology part, having a strong ruler with a huge economically advantage over the people is just tragic sad, and shouldn`t be done. A country consists of people, not one ruler. The ruler is just the representant of the people/country.

the warlord of the reich

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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #12 on: 9 December 2010, 17:23:36 »
it slows down connections?

but those are small pictures. if you are so hard about deleting. let me know, i'll delete some of it

about talking about historical WW2 and nuclear. come to my open historial talk, we'll be more then glad to welcome new viewers and increase the society. this site is somewhat dead. few members. theres lots registered but few are active

lets attempt to relive the site by increasing the off topic and sociel talk instead of biengaround glest's improvments too much

cheers mates!
« Last Edit: 9 December 2010, 17:32:18 by the warlord of the reich »


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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #13 on: 9 December 2010, 18:14:00 »
I aint no moderator, i can`t delte anything, for me it was fine, a LOT of small pictures makes one big huge, but i think it is fine. Yeah it slows down connections: If you have a download rate of 500kb/s then it can make your connection 250kb/s for the time it takes to download and implement the images onto your browsers open tab. And this can be QUITE annoying while for example torrenting and/or downloading other things.


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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #14 on: 9 December 2010, 20:01:20 »
the war could have been avoided and the atomic bomb was terrible, though invading japan could have cost millions more innocent lives :'(
yeah,but US had already killed millions of innocent lives by air assault with B29 on major cities of japan. :look:
Everytime I hear this kind of the sophism,I doubt US people make light of evil of Nuclear bombs.
In some ways,It's true that using nukes ended the war faster,but at that time japan had lost most of it's military strongness and sooner or later japan accepted surrender,if only allied assured us to save the Emperor's prestige.
I hope US people wouldn't forget that US is the ONLY country used nuclear bomb against human.
and have responsible as one of the nuclear-weapon states.
The US bombing was unjustified, true, but neither was how the germans and japanese tortured prisoners of war and slaughtered innocent civilians, the germans bombed britain and slaughtered millions of innocent russian civilians and somewhere between half of the russian prisoners of war, not even counting 6 million jews and millions of yugoslavians, poles and other occupied countries. The japanese killed millions of chinese, koreans, phillipinos and others in their conquests. They bombed undefended cities and killed thousands if not millions of their prisoners through torture, starvation and hard labor. The US, UK, and USSR fought fire with fire, and even if killing cannot be justified, then what the US, UK and USSR did is far more justified in my mind, even though I'm sorry to say so.


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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #15 on: 9 December 2010, 20:02:21 »
How about the Black Plague?


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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #16 on: 9 December 2010, 21:37:36 »
the war could have been avoided and the atomic bomb was terrible, though invading japan could have cost millions more innocent lives :'(
yeah,but US had already killed millions of innocent lives by air assault with B29 on major cities of japan. :look:
Everytime I hear this kind of the sophism,I doubt US people make light of evil of Nuclear bombs.
In some ways,It's true that using nukes ended the war faster,but at that time japan had lost most of it's military strongness and sooner or later japan accepted surrender,if only allied assured us to save the Emperor's prestige.
I hope US people wouldn't forget that US is the ONLY country used nuclear bomb against human.
and have responsible as one of the nuclear-weapon states.
The US bombing was unjustified, true, but neither was how the germans and japanese tortured prisoners of war and slaughtered innocent civilians, the germans bombed britain and slaughtered millions of innocent russian civilians and somewhere between half of the russian prisoners of war, not even counting 6 million jews and millions of yugoslavians, poles and other occupied countries. The japanese killed millions of chinese, koreans, phillipinos and others in their conquests. They bombed undefended cities and killed thousands if not millions of their prisoners through torture, starvation and hard labor. The US, UK, and USSR fought fire with fire, and even if killing cannot be justified, then what the US, UK and USSR did is far more justified in my mind, even though I'm sorry to say so.
Two wrongs do not make a right... Nothing is EVER justified simply because the other side did worse.

How about the Black Plague?
Very disasterous, yes, but it was not international (mostly Europe and its regions) as well, humans had less control over that (poor standards may have contributed to it, but compared to WW2, where the entire thing was a purposal human creation, it is dwarfed in "disasterosity" (on the Omega scale ;)).

I aint no moderator, i can`t delte anything, for me it was fine, a LOT of small pictures makes one big huge, but i think it is fine. Yeah it slows down connections: If you have a download rate of 500kb/s then it can make your connection 250kb/s for the time it takes to download and implement the images onto your browsers open tab. And this can be QUITE annoying while for example torrenting and/or downloading other things.
Pretending that you have 20 small, 50kb images. That's a 1MB total, and contractory to what Gabbe may have said, many internets are a mere 1 or 2 mbps (and that's megabits, not megabytes. 8 megabits = 1 megabyte, thus, 1mbps = ~125KB/s). And internets don't always run at that top capacity (I've seen download speeds vary from 50-150KB/s, though averaging around 100KB/s) so all those images take a bit extra time to load. Taking into aspect nobody browses only one page at a time these days, and I often have an average of 4-6 tabs open at any one time, plus, as Gabbe mentioned, the potentiality for downloads... Just try and keep it as small as possible. I trimmed a few images, so there's still some, and more than enough to make your point, but not so much you'll burgeon down the unfortunate souls (like me) who have lousy 'net.
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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #17 on: 9 December 2010, 21:40:15 »
the war could have been avoided and the atomic bomb was terrible, though invading japan could have cost millions more innocent lives :'(
yeah,but US had already killed millions of innocent lives by air assault with B29 on major cities of japan. :look:
Everytime I hear this kind of the sophism,I doubt US people make light of evil of Nuclear bombs.
In some ways,It's true that using nukes ended the war faster,but at that time japan had lost most of it's military strongness and sooner or later japan accepted surrender,if only allied assured us to save the Emperor's prestige.
I hope US people wouldn't forget that US is the ONLY country used nuclear bomb against human.
and have responsible as one of the nuclear-weapon states.
The US bombing was unjustified, true, but neither was how the germans and japanese tortured prisoners of war and slaughtered innocent civilians, the germans bombed britain and slaughtered millions of innocent russian civilians and somewhere between half of the russian prisoners of war, not even counting 6 million jews and millions of yugoslavians, poles and other occupied countries. The japanese killed millions of chinese, koreans, phillipinos and others in their conquests. They bombed undefended cities and killed thousands if not millions of their prisoners through torture, starvation and hard labor. The US, UK, and USSR fought fire with fire, and even if killing cannot be justified, then what the US, UK and USSR did is far more justified in my mind, even though I'm sorry to say so.
Two wrongs do not make a right... Nothing is EVER justified simply because the other side did worse.

How about the Black Plague?
Very disasterous, yes, but it was not international (mostly Europe and its regions) as well, humans had less control over that (poor standards may have contributed to it, but compared to WW2, where the entire thing was a purposal human creation, it is dwarfed in "disasterosity" (on the Omega scale ;)).

I aint no moderator, i can`t delte anything, for me it was fine, a LOT of small pictures makes one big huge, but i think it is fine. Yeah it slows down connections: If you have a download rate of 500kb/s then it can make your connection 250kb/s for the time it takes to download and implement the images onto your browsers open tab. And this can be QUITE annoying while for example torrenting and/or downloading other things.
Pretending that you have 20 small, 50kb images. That's a 1MB total, and contractory to what Gabbe may have said, many internets are a mere 1 or 2 mbps (and that's megabits, not megabytes. 8 megabits = 1 megabyte, thus, 1mbps = ~125KB/s). And internets don't always run at that top capacity (I've seen download speeds vary from 50-150KB/s, though averaging around 100KB/s) so all those images take a bit extra time to load. Taking into aspect nobody browses only one page at a time these days, and I often have an average of 4-6 tabs open at any one time, plus, as Gabbe mentioned, the potentiality for downloads... Just try and keep it as small as possible. I trimmed a few images, so there's still some, and more than enough to make your point, but not so much you'll burgeon down the unfortunate souls (like me) who have lousy 'net.
I know killing is un justifiable, but ignoring the fact that the US wasn't the only one who did sp is also wrong


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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #18 on: 9 December 2010, 22:40:49 »
it slows down connections?

but those are small pictures. if you are so hard about deleting. let me know, i'll delete some of it

about talking about historical WW2 and nuclear. come to my open historial talk, we'll be more then glad to welcome new viewers and increase the society. this site is somewhat dead. few members. theres lots registered but few are active

lets attempt to relive the site by increasing the off topic and sociel talk instead of biengaround glest's improvments too much

cheers mates!
Warlord, just so you know, glest isn't a chat site, its a place for people to mod and work on expanding glest, also the people here devote their free time to doing so, and noone has much time to be on, I used to come on a lot but since highschool started I can't get on nearly as much. the site may be dead, but don't complain, while we may appreciate your attempts to liven up this forum, most of us are unable to be on 24/7, I for one am rarely able to get over 30 minutes of being on glest.


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Re: history's greatest disaster
« Reply #19 on: 9 December 2010, 23:46:07 »
Besides wars and other things...natural disasters are basically the worst...

Warlord, just so you know, glest isn't a chat site, its a place for people to mod and work on expanding glest, also the people here devote their free time to doing so, and noone has much time to be on, I used to come on a lot but since highschool started I can't get on nearly as much. the site may be dead, but don't complain, while we may appreciate your attempts to liven up this forum, most of us are unable to be on 24/7, I for one am rarely able to get over 30 minutes of being on glest.
:thumbup: Agreed. And good job on focusing on school stuff.  :thumbup:
 Weird, we kinda had this issue in the past too...

