do you have a download to get all of them at once?
oh I forgot that, fixed now. it also contains treep.gbm from my other post
the standard size of the starting gold/stone resources is around 5-7, not 3-4.
Yes I like to force the player to build a second base ;-)
with too much free resources at startposition the move
will be much later (when making flying things etc)
riversides could probably need more stone somewhere on the map,
I haven't playtested this map yet, I'm not sure where to put them though.
smallworld48x48 might need more gold, you're not supposed to move early on that one
(and can't move if there is 6 players without killing someone first), on the other hand
it is so small that the gold perhaps last for the whole time anyway?
It's probably more usefull for two players anyway and then there is plenty.
I'm afraid I must complain that most of those maps are simply too small!
The first 2 are great, but after that, things go downhill a lot...
Yeah I mostly tried to see if it was "possible to make a usable
map that small". And after that tried to make a smaller one :-D
Also, one of your maps is labeled as a "48x48" map. I'm not sure if this includes the
empty border (probably not), but all maps need to be a power of 2,
And yeah I had to add a border to be able to open it in the game :-(
The editor should probably warn about that. And yes 1024x1024 maps
makes the game go down to a crawl - in the game setup screen!! :-)
reminds me to much like instant wars to me just with a wall.
I haven't played Instant Wars... where can I find that?
Hmm... "instant maps - just add water"
it is possible to play the 16x16 for some minutes though. With indian faction (both
same) I built tent, reed and bigtent before killing the cpu. without the mountain
it would be impossible. I can't think of another way than this to make a 16x16 map,
there is also the problem with small maps with towers pointing at wrong direction.
Even for normalsized maps I would love to be able to set direction of the start base
But yeah...maybe making it the next size that maps are ok with...wouldn't hurt...
yeah but I'm not sure it would really be a better (playable) map by adding 8 squares around it,
sure it would look better, two edge sqares is painted black or allmost black by the game
making it look like a 12x12 map now, but it would spoil the fun of being small, right?
btw what is a "city faction" ?
128x128 is the "standard" and most commonly used size. Though 256x256 can be used for very large maps as well as for 8 player maps, though 8 players can easily handle 128x128.
Mmm... it would be nice if it was possible to have 192x192 as a size, for varietys sake,
256x256 can feel too big, but with 128x128 in 6/8-playermaps you often get pushed with
the back to the wall (the big black fog where no unit dare to go hehe) at start.
I think making 128x128 and then add 32squares around the map for better look
where the world go on outside the "playarea" but you don't go there because the
mapmaker have filled it with water or forest or mountains and other stuff making it
Non square maps work fine, but there's no reason why not to utilize that extra space on the sides. If the map is totally linear, it is no fun, compared to a map with extra resource "hoves" and alternative routes to sneak up on an enemy (attack an enemy from the front, then move another force behind them. Works very well versus CPU, which tends to send all combat units at the attacking force).
hehehe... we should make an AI that "learns" how the user is playing like advanced chess-software
A long narrow map is probably most usefull for scenario-maps where you'll meet lots of enemies
along the way where you herding a VIP to the other end of a long road or something.