Author Topic: my charachtar, your charactars  (Read 4465 times)

the warlord of the reich

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my charachtar, your charactars
« on: 9 December 2010, 17:53:41 »
hello, as i said in my last topic before this one, this site needs society and talk and conversations and more improving and reliving to attract more visitors and/or bring back inactive glest warriors to the great hall's table

lets talk about our selfs. without going beyoned the line or too much privacy and relegious talking i must strict but the police force will do its work :O :O :O

about me

name: sultan ahmad al ghamdi,

clan: ghamdi house of saudia arabia, my annecestores lived in the mountains and valleys of albaha and their blood remnants still live their. making a living by working in the town as doctors, teachers and landowners and sometimes they work as their fathers, farmers and ranchers and herders

relegion: islam

personality: somewhat understanding and long thinking and thaughtfull, full of hatrd against stupid people who say stuff about things they dont know, timid, gratefull, weak ears, hilarious and redecilous and complaining when bored, likes history and fantasy, i have this unusual love for people that got real balls, proud, pious

looks: white. dark honey colour eyes. they become yellow or somewhat honey colour when light pointed at it, so as many ghamdis have same eyes, black hair, i never seen young saudis without black hair unless its coloured, too thin, as for this i am called a stick

age: 15 years old

sex: male

cheers! :) lets talk
« Last Edit: 10 December 2010, 10:01:18 by the warlord of the reich »


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #1 on: 9 December 2010, 18:11:37 »
I just copy your premade set about sutff, tho i don`t have a clan, not usual up here ::)

about me

name: Gabriel O. Liland

clan: idk, On my mothers side, im a noble, i belive it was Baron but im not sure, when my father dies, i would be, but we dont have titles up here in Norway.

relegion: None, Agnostic Gnostic Atheist

personality: Weird!! :P I like to game, if something comes by that i don`t know anything about, i`ll try to learn all i can about the subject before it becomes boring. Thats how my knowledge gathering goes on. Im kind of a nerd, but then again, i gym every now and then, idk, train? practise? exercise? I try not to make problems, but when someone/thing is being untolerateable i`ll go and wreck havoc on that/he/she/it -ever is causing the problem, opposition. Then again, i consider myself open to new things, just not new age and scientologists ::)

looks: Dark brown, still more white, but still browner than most western people

age: 15


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #2 on: 9 December 2010, 21:40:06 »
Name: Seth T. Kelley

Ancestry back to the Mayflower and a lot of scottish ancentry relating back probably to the O'Kelly clan or something like that. :P

Age: 131/2
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #3 on: 9 December 2010, 22:43:47 »
Name: Jakub Simacek

Age: 14 1/2

 Ancestry: One of my great great grand fathers was a russian general in WW1, another part of my family is greek but other then that, I'm mostly Czech, probably around 70% Czech


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #4 on: 12 December 2010, 00:06:35 »
name: Akechi Jyubei Koretou Mitsuhide

clan: My Uji(original family name)is a Genji.My ancestor was Settsu Genji family of Seiwa Genji branch.
My family served Ashikaga shogunate from generation to generation.

relegion: Buddhist

personality: A Portuguese missionary Luís Fróis from Societas Iesu reputed me
"Akechi prefers betray and assignation.He had great zeal for disguise himself.
In battlefield,he was good at conspiracy,was very patience,master of strategy and scheme."
but Fróis misunderstands me.
and his hairstyle is definitely strange.
My true personality is honest,piety,gentle and civilized.
Me like betray?definitely no!I have betrayed a person only once in my life.
and he deserved for it.
I governed my land very well,and well respected by my folks.

looks: Some people(like Oda xxxxing bastard!)make fun of me.they say I am bald.but believe me,I have plenty of Hair!

age: 482 years old.

sex: male

時は今 雨が下しる 五月哉
It is a time of rain falling may.
My soldiers!The time has come!Our enemy is in the Honnō-ji! KAKARE~! :swordman:
Bushido to iu wa shinu koto to mitsuketari.

Japanese Faction Mod


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #5 on: 12 December 2010, 00:47:26 »
Name: Brenton Stockwell

Age: 18 7/8

Religion: Pentecostal Christian

Personality: Awesome

Looks: i'm probably the whitest guy you will ever meet. tall, handsome, and shaped like a stick. Also, i have gray eyes - isnt that cool?!

History: my family came from Scandinavia, but i am full blood American

Last notes: Im awesome!


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #6 on: 12 December 2010, 05:40:48 »
Name: Brenton Stockwell

Age: 18 7/8

Religion: Pentecostal Christian

Personality: Awesome

Looks: i'm probably the whitest guy you will ever meet. tall, handsome, and shaped like a stick. Also, i have gray eyes - isnt that cool?!

History: my family came from Scandinavia, but i am full blood American

Last notes: Im awesome!

name: Akechi Jyubei Koretou Mitsuhide

clan: My Uji(original family name)is a Genji.My ancestor was Settsu Genji family of Seiwa Genji branch.
My family served Ashikaga shogunate from generation to generation.

relegion: Buddhist

personality: A Portuguese missionary Luís Fróis from Societas Iesu reputed me
"Akechi prefers betray and assignation.He had great zeal for disguise himself.
In battlefield,he was good at conspiracy,was very patience,master of strategy and scheme."
but Fróis misunderstands me.
and his hairstyle is definitely strange.
My true personality is honest,piety,gentle and civilized.
Me like betray?definitely no!I have betrayed a person only once in my life.
and he deserved for it.
I governed my land very well,and well respected by my folks.

looks: Some people(like Oda xxxxing bastard!)make fun of me.they say I am bald.but believe me,I have plenty of Hair!

age: 482 years old.

sex: male

時は今 雨が下しる 五月哉
It is a time of rain falling may.
My soldiers!The time has come!Our enemy is in the Honnō-ji! KAKARE~! :swordman:

Congratulations, you're the oldest geezer on the forum. ;D
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #7 on: 12 December 2010, 07:09:21 »
Looks: i'm probably the whitest guy you will ever meet. tall, handsome, and shaped like a stick. Also, i have gray eyes - isnt that cool?!
(click to show/hide)
Hmm, that looks blue to me...

I'm not so big on this, but may as well, I suppose:

Name: Mike Hoffert
Location: The true north strong and free (Canada!)
Religion: Devout Catholic
Gender: Male
Looks: The true form of awesomeness. Kind of a mix between James Dean (before he croaked) and a young Brad Pitt. ;)
Personality: What Zoy said.
History: Family roots back to Germany and Hungary on different sides. Nothing really exciting that I can trace back, but I can't go further than a few generations anyway...

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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #8 on: 12 December 2010, 07:35:48 »
Looks: i'm probably the whitest guy you will ever meet. tall, handsome, and shaped like a stick. Also, i have gray eyes - isnt that cool?!
(click to show/hide)
Hmm, that looks blue to me...

I'm not so big on this, but may as well, I suppose:

ok, a gray-blue...happy? (i mean, they're not a vibrant blue, but a dull, almost periwinkle color)


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #9 on: 12 December 2010, 08:14:18 »
Might as well revise mine. :P

Name: Seth Tee Kelley
Age: Old enough to crap my pants, but not old enough to drive....
Religion: Scientific Christian(if you will)
(click to show/hide)
Looks: I'm slightly tall for my age, fit, and generically good looking guy. (suspicious that Zoy is my long lost cousin...)
History: Mix of Western European, and American Indian, and other various trails back. Was born.
Last notes: Im awesomer than Zoythrus and Omega!
Egypt Remastered!

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the warlord of the reich

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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #10 on: 12 December 2010, 09:10:53 »
hagekura. how can you be 400 years old? :-\ must be a diffrent calander of shorty years


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #11 on: 12 December 2010, 11:03:17 »
Congratulations, you're the oldest geezer on the forum. ;D
haha I'm quadruple older than you are! :O

hagekura. how can you be 400 years old? :-\ must be a diffrent calander of shorty years
oh,I wrote profile of my preexistence by mistake,sorry. :angel:
here is a my recent profile!


family:My father is an engineer.My father's parents are both dead.My mother's father was a teacher,he also fought in the WWII as an Imperial army's tank crew.I have two older sisters.Currently I'm a single. :green:

religion:I don't have certain religion,perhaps strongly influenced by buddhism though.

personality: Very honest and reliable,you know. ;D I have learned painting in a school,but later I found myself not talented in the field. :dead: I love history,books(especially sci-fi novels),cinemas and art and subculture(Anime!Manga!).

looks: Very hair and black eyes.typical mass production type of Japanese.

age: 25 years old.

« Last Edit: 20 March 2012, 08:11:21 by Hagekura »
Bushido to iu wa shinu koto to mitsuketari.

Japanese Faction Mod


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #12 on: 12 January 2011, 07:03:14 »
i like this topic, it allows us to get to know each other better.

in short, bump!


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #13 on: 12 January 2011, 09:22:30 »
Name: Liam

Age:  14

Religion:  :confused:

Location: Aus (mate)

Personality: Unbearable.  :P

Looks: Awfully Smexy.

History: quarter Hungarian, the rest of me is pretty confusing..... I have bits of Scottish, Chinese, British lots of stuff...

Last notes:
I play the banjo, well kinda; I just started. But I still think it's awesome.

the warlord of the reich

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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #14 on: 1 February 2011, 15:13:53 »

looks: Very hair and black eyes.typical mass production type of Japanese.

lol clone....


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #15 on: 1 February 2011, 15:15:55 »
looks: Very hair and black eyes.typical mass production type of Japanese.

Made in Japan? XD Sorry, im not trying to be racist but i found it very funny :P

the warlord of the reich

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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #16 on: 1 February 2011, 15:18:52 »
lol yeah. so what mark are you?:O 

sorry just joking. nothing better to do over here


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #17 on: 1 February 2011, 15:26:51 »
   ¤  <--made in norway
  /I\   <-- Made in Arabic peninsula
  / \     <--Made in Africa

Cuz Norway is smart people, people in arabic peninsula is strong and people from Africa are very good runners ;)

the warlord of the reich

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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #18 on: 1 February 2011, 15:58:26 »
so were teaming up to make a toy? or superhero? well seems like its gonna be hard to ship and trade. and mostly produce. we'l need a norway brian. a body of some one from arabian peninsuela (not me!) and a pair of african legs. then we get a single.... doll? :P :O


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #19 on: 1 February 2011, 16:52:02 »
:D U got me in  a box i guess :O

the warlord of the reich

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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #20 on: 1 February 2011, 21:19:55 »
there was'nt a description or some writing to tell how do tou construct the parts. consumes batteries real fast. even if it loads up 10 animal hearts inside. they all finish after an hour. wow the game blows. i use cloned humans instead. works real good without batteries. you can dispose of it real easy :P  lol but yeah :O :O :O :O


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #21 on: 1 February 2011, 21:43:05 »
I think now the joke is..abandoned..


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #22 on: 2 February 2011, 01:37:48 »
Don't you know?every japanese have serial number in his left this :thumbdown:

Bushido to iu wa shinu koto to mitsuketari.

Japanese Faction Mod


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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #23 on: 2 February 2011, 08:42:27 »
XD bustahh!

the warlord of the reich

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Re: my charachtar, your charactars
« Reply #24 on: 2 February 2011, 16:01:15 »
oie. my seriel number says am outdated or outmoded. crap.....