The forum has often had people posting maps without any image, leaving us with no clue what to expect. It is recommended that you have an image of your map when you upload it to the forums, but seeing few people know how to do this, this topic will explain how. Both GAE and MegaGlest versions are included below.
MegaGlest Version
Step 1: Start the game
Step 2: Start Custom Game and Enable Advanced Options - When starting the game, be sure to turn off Fog of War then Allow observers. Also, be sure to choose an appropriate tileset for the map.
Step 3: Switch Your Slot Faction to Observer
Step 4: Screenshot - Start the game and press "F8" to toggle photomode. Now zoom way out until you can see the entire map in the window. The game WILL lag a lot (even on the best graphics cards), but you'll just have to cope with it. Don't expect to be able to screenshot anything larger than 256x256. Once the entire map is visible, press the "e" key to take a screenshot.
Step 5: Modify the screenshot - The screenshot was saved to the personal folder, in the screens folder. Open up the file and trim out extra borders before saving as a more suitable filesize (such as JPG). Upload to a site like imgur or imageshack and post on the forums.
Bravo, you have just uploaded a screenshot of your map! To repeat, you only have to do steps 1-5.
GAE Version
Step 1: Locate the INI - Glest's INI stores all its settings. In this case, we must change how far we can zoom the camera out, and how far the camera will render. The INI will be located in either your install directory (the folder you installed GAE to) or your personal folder/glestadv (ie: on windows, this would be C:/Users/Your Name/glestadv). This file is called glestadv.ini and should be opened in any plain text editor (such as Notepad++).
Step 2: Modify the INI - Find these lines in the INI and replace the value to the right of the equal sign as follows:
Step 3: Start a new game - When starting the game, be sure to turn off Fog of War in the game settings. Also, be sure to choose an appropriate tileset for the map.
Step 4: Toggle photo mode - Open the menu with "Escape" and choose photomode to hide the graphical user interface.
Step 5: Screenshot - Start the game and zoom way out until you can see the entire map in the window. The game WILL lag a lot (even on the best graphics cards), but you'll just have to cope with it. Don't expect to be able to screenshot anything larger than 256x256. Once the entire map is visable, press the "e" key to take a screenshot.
Step 6: Modify the screenshot - The screenshot was saved to the personal folder, in the screens folder (in the same place as the INI). Open up the file and trim out extra borders before saving as a more suitable filesize (such as JPG). Upload to a site like
imgur or
imageshack and post on the forums.
Bravo, you have just uploaded a screenshot of your map! To repeat, you only have to do steps 3-5. Steps 1 and 2 are one time only.[/font]
Help! My map is all foggy/rainy/night-y!So your tileset is obstructing your map? Fog in tilesets, even the slightest amount, can prevent you from taking screenshots. Optimally, you'll want to remove the fog and weather. In the
tileset XML, find the line that says
<fog ....> and replace it with
<fog enabled="false"/>.
Now to remove the rain/snow effects, find the line that says
<weather ....> and replace it with
<weather sun="1.0" rain="0" snow="0"/>.