Author Topic: The best form of governement  (Read 2899 times)


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The best form of governement
« on: 21 December 2010, 22:19:28 »
The fact that Norway is the world's best country to live in and that social democracy is therefore the best form of government, is a widespread perception in Europe, but also in Canada. Jensen appeared recently on Canadian TV, where she brought out that the conditions in Norway are not as rosy as it is portrayed in the left-wing Canadian media.

Is it a myth that social democracy works better than capitalism?

(Sad english, i hope you forgive us but she is from east-norway and they cant speak proper english :D )

the warlord of the reich

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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #1 on: 22 December 2010, 01:04:35 »

although saudia has a democracy government


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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #2 on: 22 December 2010, 01:56:10 »
Hmm, why do you think feudalism is a good form of government?


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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #3 on: 22 December 2010, 07:14:33 »
Feudalism is terrible! It has no true freedom for the majority, and the one ruler has all the power! That is bad, and sorts society into a class system, the very thing I do not want to see in the world.

Democracy is obviously the best form of government because all the power rests with the people. The people can vote for those who will best represent their ideas and tastes. And the truly ambitious who do not agree to any ideology proposed by a candidate *could* try and become an independent, or join another party.

The fact that Norway is the world's best country to live in
[Reference needed]

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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #4 on: 22 December 2010, 09:08:01 »
Democracy is a terrible system because humans are bastards, but unfortunately every other system is worse (for the same reason).


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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #5 on: 22 December 2010, 11:08:19 »
The fact that Norway is the world's best country to live in
[Reference needed]
Simply unbiased google search of "best country to live in" also it wasn`t stated as a fact, just a widespread European opinion. I wouldn`t say that it ranks low on the list though anyways.

Feudalism could actually work out pretty well, if you were able to move up and down on the social ladder instead of being born into on part of it and would never even hope to climb higher. As the romans did it, there a citizen of rome could change his political standing and be more/less respected after his action. I belive it is called social mobility.
« Last Edit: 22 December 2010, 11:12:19 by Gabbe »

the warlord of the reich

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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #6 on: 22 December 2010, 11:29:59 »
feudualism will make a country rich, it also honours the royalty and bring more workmen for work and honour the army and bring knights

democracy is bad i'd say! here in saudia, the greed of the king's followers made this country's profits into their personel bank accounts and because of their treachery a proof in jeddah has been made, jeddah is an extremley large industrial city that is making a crap load of damage to the envioment, it does'nt have a sewer system yet its full of hotels and large markets and malls, they pushed their garbage to the sea, FILTHY SAVAGES

then it turned to be a city where piety and faith is on the edge

then it was becoming described in newspapers and TV media as a colony of cockroaches and crows and garbage

then a huge disaster occured due to the greedy governor and the lazy command over it, a dam outside the city is broken down and the whole water rushed the city completly.

HAIL FEUDUALISM :swordman: :swordman: :archer: :archer: :thumbup:


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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #7 on: 22 December 2010, 12:02:21 »
It appears that in Jeddah, you have your buisnisses running so that city is probably running your country pretty much. Feudalism does make a country rich and the people in it poor, you have one small elite on the top and you have poor people at the bottom. the medieval ages is a great example on how it wouldn`t work out.
« Last Edit: 5 April 2016, 01:36:51 by filux »


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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #8 on: 22 December 2010, 22:11:11 »
communism would probably be the best if people weren't like they are, there is no good government that can last a long time, it all collapses and must be replaced.


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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #9 on: 22 December 2010, 22:25:49 »
yes communism would be great, but people can`t handle it, those greedy b£stards...


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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #10 on: 22 December 2010, 23:20:20 »
Democracy: As Winston Churchill said, "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."  It is not perfect, but the other forms of government aren't either.  I personally dislike the idea that the idiots in my classroom who get suspended every 2 or 3 months should get as much a vote as me, nor the kids that aren't as intelligent, but there is no objective way to determine how much of a vote a person gets, and I wouldn't be cruel enough to tell a person they were worth less than my vote.  So, I like democracy.

Communism: WTF?! Communism is a socio-economic system. There has never been a longstanding, democratic, communistic country.  All the world's communisms were either coupled with dictatorships, oligarchies, or similar governments.  It is very hard to comment on communism without the bad policies of certain dictators [cough, cough, Mao Zedong, Stalin, etc., cough] tainting the comments.

Feudalism: You have got to be kidding me.  Feudalism is where the strong oppress the weak, and demand that they get free crops for it.  You can't say that in a modern world we need to structure the society with government at some ridiculously lofty spot, the army just below it, and then, destroy the middle class.  Because that is exactly what feudalism did.  You can't call the minor nobles or knights the middle class because they were less than 10% of the population (probably much lower, but those numbers are undeniable, yet drive the point, hard) and the peasants composed 90%.  The clergy, the major nobles, and the crown royalty composed the rest, probably about 1-3%.  The peasants often died from malnutrition, starvation, and exhaustion, living short lives, while the kings grew fat atop their gold coffers.  

feudualism will make a country rich, it also honours the royalty and bring more workmen for work and honour the army and bring knights
"It is more honorable to be raised to a throne than to be born to one. Fortune bestows the one, merit obtains the other."
   -M2TW loading screen, but actually from Francesco Petrarch.  
I am not going to pretend to know who he is, just what he means.  Why should the royalty be honored?  Seriously, what merit do they have other than their particular set of DNA?  Why would you want honor for the army, or to have knights?  Knights were stuck up @$$holes who bought lamborgini-priced warhorses while their peasants ate beans in their miserable lives of subsistence farming.  Like in africa.  Except now were not supposed to abhor the rich, we must honor them.

democracy is bad i'd say! here in saudia, the greed of the king's followers made this country's profits into their personel bank accounts and because of their treachery a proof in jeddah has been made, jeddah is an extremley large industrial city that is making a crap load of damage to the envioment, it does'nt have a sewer system yet its full of hotels and large markets and malls, they pushed their garbage to the sea, FILTHY SAVAGES
You have outlined a serious problem.  However, that is the fault of unregulated capitalism, not democracy.  And Saudia Arabia has a very unconventional democracy, when compared to the west.  (Whether you like it or not, you still have to acknowledge it).  There is voting, but there also exists a rather large, government instituted clergy, and the monarchy is somewhat more present than in systems like those of England or the Netherlands.  Those two countries, and a couple others, are based primarily on voting, and on powerful constitutions.  Democracy has made both countries very successful, though the economic downturn has reversed a lot of that.  (I would call it a depression, but I don't know how bad it is over, there.  I just listen to what I hear on BBC. :D )

then it turned to be a city where piety and faith is on the edge
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This is not the place to allude to religion.  Some people here have some very strong opinions that run contrary to yours.  Thanks.
« Last Edit: 22 December 2010, 23:24:56 by Mark »

the warlord of the reich

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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #11 on: 23 December 2010, 04:51:21 »
THATS THE POINT! the people will work while the "government" rich

there will be an army, knights are all over the court so revise and the army will be MUCH stronger with feudualism, the people will shut up, also there will be loyalists and land lords and a strong army and feudualism bring more peity to the population like the other feudel countries did, there can be an entire conquest without an army only by a revoloutionist army rising from their own lands.

britian's still feudal alittle abit dont you think? they take too much royalty care and army parades and they also got a fat army they dragged from scotland, they cant advance anywhere as they got pretty much stuck at it, they have horses in their london for the watches and public defence and also the country does honourable things all the time as i hear, fanfares parades taxes and alliance signing - alliance breaks contracts trades everything honourable seems to be done by them

also i dont really like winston churchill, i infact hate him, if you have actually read up all my last posts you'll know why. ITS NOT AN ATTACK!

cheeeers mate, take cares ;)


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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #12 on: 23 December 2010, 05:34:32 »
(click to show/hide)

I'll go through a loophole here; and say, That's a terribly asshole'ish thing to say.
« Last Edit: 23 December 2010, 05:38:13 by Psychedelic_hands »


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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #13 on: 23 December 2010, 05:45:55 »
I'll go through a loophole here; and say, That's a terribly asshole'ish thing to say.


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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #14 on: 23 December 2010, 08:41:41 »
Gabbe, please think twice about posting controversial threads like this. You know that, unfortunately, the community can't really handle it... IF you really need to discuss topics like this, find another way...


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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #15 on: 23 December 2010, 09:28:38 »
I have been a little busy...otherwise I would've caught this. :|
I have to say that it's disgraceful how far this got before Ultifd stopped it. I've read through, and I'm sickened. :( Topics like this should be locked immediately, and never allowed.

This is a gaming forum, not a political squabbling forum.

I'm going to be adding a new rule to the rules today.
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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #16 on: 23 December 2010, 09:34:25 »
Meh.  I figured this was borderline, so I didn't touch it.  At least one of our administrators was fine with it, apparently. :look:

I'm going to be adding a new rule to the rules today.
-Take your politics and shove it up your ass, we don't want to hear it.
Somehow I think that would violate some other rules. :P


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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #17 on: 23 December 2010, 20:45:04 »
Meh.  I figured this was borderline, so I didn't touch it.  At least one of our administrators was fine with it, apparently. :look:
I'm going to be adding a new rule to the rules today.
-Take your politics and shove it up your ass, we don't want to hear it.
Somehow I think that would violate some other rules. :P
Yeah. Yeah. I don't really think that we might have to be strict like that, but if some people won't have some common sense...  :-\


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Re: The best form of governement
« Reply #18 on: 24 December 2010, 00:00:21 »
Yes, I found it borderline, and because of that, issued a strict warning in my first post on it. By the time it got out of hand and needed locking, someone already beat me to the punch (thanks Ultifd).

But, now now arch, is that setting a good example at all? 8)

Time to add government types to the list of topics to never create.
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