Author Topic: Bug with save_game  (Read 967 times)


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Bug with save_game
« on: 22 December 2010, 03:59:41 »
Bug in newest version of GAE you can save but when you load it crashes.
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Re: Bug with save_game
« Reply #1 on: 22 December 2010, 04:18:58 »
When posting an error, we need information to be able to help you. Please don't just say "Glest crashed. What do I do?".

Code: [Select]
Version: Advanced Engine svn-trunk
Time: Tue Dec 21 23:17:11 2010
Description: SIGABRT:
Address: 0xf18
/home/john/glestae_svn/build/source/game/glestadv(_ZN6Shared8Platform24PlatformExceptionHandler7handlerEiP7siginfoPv+0x301) [0x8454f83]
/lib/ [0x4f3941]
/lib/ [0x4f6e42]
/lib/ [0x4ec8e8]
/home/john/glestae_svn/build/source/game/glestadv(_ZN5Glest8Entities4Unit6updateEv+0x367) [0x82463c7]
/home/john/glestae_svn/build/source/game/glestadv(_ZN5Glest8Entities4Unit8doUpdateEv+0x12) [0x8245cde]
/home/john/glestae_svn/build/source/game/glestadv(_ZN5Glest3Sim5World11updateUnitsEPKNS_8Entities7FactionE+0x3d) [0x83f0f4b]
/home/john/glestae_svn/build/source/game/glestadv(_ZN5Glest3Sim5World12processFrameEv+0xe7) [0x83f1057]
/home/john/glestae_svn/build/source/game/glestadv(_ZN5Glest3Sim19SimulationInterface11updateWorldEv+0xce) [0x84055c8]
/home/john/glestae_svn/build/source/game/glestadv(_ZN5Glest3Gui9GameState6updateEv+0x167) [0x8270aa9]
/home/john/glestae_svn/build/source/game/glestadv(_ZN5Glest4Main7Program4loopEv+0x1b1) [0x82d28e9]
/home/john/glestae_svn/build/source/game/glestadv(_ZN5Glest4Main9glestMainEiPPc+0x33f) [0x82d4e29]
/home/john/glestae_svn/build/source/game/glestadv(main+0x79) [0x82d50d0]
/lib/ [0x4dfce7]
/home/john/glestae_svn/build/source/game/glestadv() [0x82123b1]



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Re: Bug with save_game
« Reply #2 on: 22 December 2010, 06:35:32 »
Bug in newest version of GAE you can save but when you load it crashes.

The 'newest version' of GAE is 0.3.2, and save games work fine.

If you are using a build from trunk, then you may experience any number of problems. While most of those problems will be fixed immediately after they are noticed, that is unfortunately not likely in this case because,

A) Save-games will just be broken again later, especially whilst refactoring work is ongoing


B) All of the serialisation code is being replaced in the near future anyway, so any fix applied now would just be wasted effort.
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