Because modders can change the image of the loading screen in the data folder, and we should be getting the ability to set Faction Unique loading screens in a future version, I propose we can change the colors of the text on this screen. This is because of a problem I recently noticed on the loading screen of Military, which, for the UNATF faction, is a very light colored loading screen with blue and white (the official UN colors). Since the text is white, it can be difficult to read.
For simplicity, the choice between white or black text would do for most people, but for more control, the ability to use any color (perhaps in the same way as we choose the colors of particles?) for the text, thus letting us pick the color most visible and most fitting for our mod. This should also appear for the results screen at the end of the game, since it uses the same image.
The best place to be able to choose this color should be the main menu XML (in the data folder) for the universal, default background image (for when the faction does not have a faction specific image) and in the faction XML for faction unique background images. If this XML tag is omitted, the default (white) text will be used.
Cons: As long as the modder chooses responsible colors, none.
Pros: Ability to see text properly, ability to customize the text color better for the mod.