Author Topic: Ability to set color of text on loading screen  (Read 1055 times)


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Ability to set color of text on loading screen
« on: 31 December 2010, 23:39:45 »
Because modders can change the image of the loading screen in the data folder, and we should be getting the ability to set Faction Unique loading screens in a future version, I propose we can change the colors of the text on this screen. This is because of a problem I recently noticed on the loading screen of Military, which, for the UNATF faction, is a very light colored loading screen with blue and white (the official UN colors). Since the text is white, it can be difficult to read.

For simplicity, the choice between white or black text would do for most people, but for more control, the ability to use any color (perhaps in the same way as we choose the colors of particles?) for the text, thus letting us pick the color most visible and most fitting for our mod. This should also appear for the results screen at the end of the game, since it uses the same image.

The best place to be able to choose this color should be the main menu XML (in the data folder) for the universal, default background image (for when the faction does not have a faction specific image) and in the faction XML for faction unique background images. If this XML tag is omitted, the default (white) text will be used.

Cons: As long as the modder chooses responsible colors, none.
Pros: Ability to see text properly, ability to customize the text color better for the mod.
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Re: Ability to set color of text on loading screen
« Reply #1 on: 1 January 2011, 03:21:51 »
not just the loading text, but maybe all text in the mod (that would be controlled by a different XML). white may conflict with a mod-specific tileset....


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Re: Ability to set color of text on loading screen
« Reply #2 on: 1 January 2011, 07:35:53 »
I'm not so sure about all the text, since regardless of the tileset, the fog of war and edges of the map are black, which practically requires white text to see.

  • Black outline, white text: Univerally readable, but needs larger text. This would work for the loading screen for sure though, since it can use larger text.
  • Partial transparent background: Similar to the Lua console, among others, this would just have a partially transparent black background, thus not obstructing the game area too much, but letting us see white text on even pure white backgrounds.
  • Solid background: What many other games have, is a "window" for the units, commands, etc, rather than just imposing the text directly over the game. This would make the game window seem smaller, but can look better (or, at the least, more customizable (can be made to be the partially transparent background, or even a fully transparent background to replicate how it is now) and can better fit along the theme of the game (ie: medieval style window instead of a more modern semi-transparent window).
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Re: Ability to set color of text on loading screen
« Reply #3 on: 3 January 2011, 00:59:57 »
  • Partial transparent background: Similar to the Lua console, among others, this would just have a partially transparent black background, thus not obstructing the game area too much, but letting us see white text on even pure white backgrounds.
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