Author Topic: Another German Lesson! :D  (Read 846 times)


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Another German Lesson! :D
« on: 5 January 2011, 05:15:06 »
I was supposed to write a small intro to a sci-fi story, here it is in german:

Er lief aus einem Meer von flammen. Hurt seine verbrannte, und das Herz pumpt Blut herum hektisch in den Körper. Er sah Leichen überall. ein Meer von Blut und Flammen.
Es fühlte sich an als ob die Erde kurz vor der explosion war, manchmal sah er Pioniere Runnable herum, Sterben und kreischend mit Flammen auf sie. Ein schrecklicher Anblick war es, den Planeten hier, dass wir uns niederlassen hatte erwies sich als Hölle der Aufstockung nach oben. Wir hatten baute eine Stadt so schön, aber es dauerte nicht länger als ein paar Monate vor dem Vulkan begann zu strömen in großen groben Lavaströme!

I used copypaste for the unknown characters and umlauts, but overall i checked through it several times an i think the grammar is correct.

Here i used google translate for you to see in english:

He ran through a sea of flames. His hurts burned, and the heart pumps blood around frantically in the body. He saw corpses everywhere. a sea of blood and flames.
It felt as if the earth was about to explode, sometimes he looked around pioneers Runnable, dying and screaming with flames on it. A terrible sight to the planet here, that we had to settle was found to be hell of topping up. We had built a city so beautiful, but it did not last longer than a few months before the volcano began to flow in large rough lava!

The english version is full of grammar errors; much thank to it being a latin language and not germanian but yeah >.< I hope you can come with suggestions to improve, it turned out a little short but i hope it to become better.


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Re: Another German Lesson! :D
« Reply #1 on: 7 January 2011, 20:06:20 »
actually, english is officially germanic, romantic, or latin based languages are things like italian, spanish, french, romanian etc though I must admit english is just as much latin based as it is germanic

