hehe. you will fal for it! the game is epic. airfields tanks. bombardment.
RUSES, use ruses to trap or trick enemies also support your army. theres sevrel
RUSES like blitz
RUSE. this one allows your troops to double speed while mobilizing or moving. however.
RUSES are limited to sectors. you must choose a sector and put one in it. units inside the
RUSED sector benfit from its bonuses (speed, fanaticism, invicebility etc) but once a units goes out of a sector that is
RUSED it will not gain its bonuses. you can
RUSE the other sectors but not forever. it has a limit. you get
RUSES by time. the HQ will supply you with
RUSES periodically. even so. once you use one in a sector. theres a time limit for it (1:00-10:00) you can only use 2
RUSES in a sector. if you use same type
RUSES (like using 2 spy
RUSES in a single sector) will make it longer. like using a BLITZ
RUSE is 05:00 long and using tow of them on a single sector will make it a time add (it will increase the time limit with an another 05:00) also you can use this on your base to increase the speed of your supply convoys. and use camouflage net to protect your buildings from artillery strikes and air raids. a redio silence
RUSE to hide your units from enemy at all. the enemy cant see your units in there except by sending recon or units. this usually results in a stalemate. the enemy units hidden will launch a surprise attack which is fatal to all units. i once destroyed a tank convoy using a single units of fallschirmjager. i hidden
them in a town squere. and ambushed the enemy tanks. use forests and city squeres and ideal positons for your infantry to succed at ambushing enemy's tanks. infantry has a short range anti-tankk weapons so place them in small places where enemy tanks must get close to fight your infantry. watch out! placing your infantry in cities and towns means that the enemy has no choice except to launch a heavy bombardment. also they can use air recon and decoy units to support an assault over you.
all i said is a small part of the game