I completed a game AI unit at uni. I think GAE could implement these techniques eventually.
I think what they're doing is interesting but the overall strategy is really a fancy (although more believable) way of doing resourceMultiplier * n since they use techniques that a human player can't do well such as making better pathfinding and micromanaging Zerg Mutalisks so it's exploiting the game mechanics like we do. It was the same for the runner up:
There were some surprises as well. Krasi0, the runner-up, was another very capable agent, and it produced a behavior we never expected because it’s not seen in human matches. Terran workers have the ability to repair mechanical units and buildings, but this ability is rarely used in combat because workers are fragile and having enough to make a difference in combat requires too much micromanagement from the player.
In the end, as game developers, we shouldn't be concentrating on creating an AI that can win but rather creating one that can lose convicingly.