Wow A HUGE Thank you to nearly the entire Glest Community for the wonderful praise! I hope that Annex will live up to your expectations! 
A lot of work is already finished, but there is still much work to be done!
Whats done:-Alliance units + buildings are all modeled and textured, while 99% are animated and in-game.
-New menu screen!
-Music + Sound effects
What needs to be done:-Empire units (only a single tank is completed)
-Maps (due to certain things, such as tileset, resource placement, as well as grid restrictions, Annex will have its own custom stages, Other stages may not work well with Annex, or work with custom Annex tileset.
-Tileset, being made as a sort of a all purpose tileset. can make Forest, wasteland, urban, and desert stages! In one tileset! About 75% complete.
-unit voice overs! Need good quality RTS voices for both male and female characters.
-balance work....
I'm planning on releasing a beta of Annex, very soon, however I need to do some more work on game first. In particular I need to do maps...
As for older mod Chasm its not announced for a reason, of the two Annex is superior in Gameplay, diversity, strategy, animation, and particles. Chasm Actually has pretty-er units but are higher poly thus more taxing on the system. I was not planning to release chasm as of now, but maybe some day ill fix her up...maybe.
Can I ask why you didn't release the other mod? The two seem really similar. Maybe you could do a cross-over 
- Chasm is not as good as Annex so I went with the better mod! If they seem similar they should as I built Annex as a sort of Sequel to Chasm story wise, but not really noticeable. I also don't want them competing with each other for popularity, so I plan to only release Annex.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make several backups!!!
- Yes I have latest version on flash, hard drive, and CD
Are there two factions?
And are they both done yet?
-Yes There will be 2 factions, only one is almost complete. There will be a sort of sub faction which will act as mercenary units that either side can recruit, they still need to be done!
Defiantly inspired in some way by many popular RTS such as C&C Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert3, Generals, Emperor: Battle for Dune, Starcraft, to name a few.
What's the download link?
-sorry none yet try to be patient!
Why don't you just embed the video on Youtube though?
- going to soon!
Awesome work man 
We want a playable version!!!
Keep up the good work
-Thanks!! Mean a lot coming from the original Glest artist!
What is the R grunt?
How did you get specular on the Harvester unit? It looks cool, but if it is diffuse then i imagine that it will look weird in game. Especially at night.
I think you should rename the scout to "Probe Scout" or something like that.
Will you release it with special made maps?
Ment for MP or SP?
R grunt is for Rocket Grunt
Specular is part of the diffuse map, however its not to bothersome at night. (at least to me)
All maps will be special made maps as normal glest maps will have some comparability issues with Annex and Its tileset. They work just issue of enough space for the large bases and problems as i reassigned tile set objects to different things in annex.
Can play Both MP AND SP! AI WORKS WELL! actually too well i never defeated a cpu mega.... There may not be scenarios as i do not have time / experience to do them however you are all welcome to make your own ill be interested to try them out!
Is there a reason y scout is not enough? That's its sole purpose... Also The names written on icons may not be the whole name, ex destroyer is actually called Tank Destroyer.
Thanks Again To everyone! I Look forward to releasing a beta for Annex soon!