opengl shadow map shadow flicker caused by the mountain model of the problem, I try to fix this bug, I think we should use a technology, so that it can be an effective solution to this problem: Open the depth buffer
Deposit, enable smooth shading
opengl shadow map shadow flicker caused by the mountain model of the problem, I try to fix this bug, I think we should use a technology, so that it can be an effective solution to this problem: Open the depth buffer
Deposit, enable smooth shading
This is my advice and opinions, I created a simple model, and then use this technique, found that the problem can be solved, thank you! I think the game is still using the shadow mapping technique that caused the problems, the graphics cache Still needs to be strengthened.
BTW: Practical solution to the problem (About Shadow map)
Most games use the way is to verify preset so-called "light"and there are no obstacles between the target, and if so, put the black of the barrier after the image map on the target.
Therefore, the map moves the shadow is actually a texture, and only one color ..... although it is a real-time operations, and posted on the target
When the shadow map size is too small, or like the leaves small and distant objects with the target distance will lead to shadow flicker, interlacing, serrate.
Shadow map quality and the resolution of shadow map size has a great relationship. general sampling accuracy at least 1024 * 1024 to eliminate the jagged shadows, staggered,