Author Topic: GUI: Sliders  (Read 982 times)


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GUI: Sliders
« on: 12 February 2011, 18:57:32 »
If the options menu is getting redone at some point sliders could be implemented for modifying features such as Scroll Speeds or Sound Volume.
Sliders could maybe have a use in game on units too (such as a marketplace where you can buy and sell goods but also adjust how much is bought or sold using a slider).


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Re: GUI: Sliders
« Reply #1 on: 12 February 2011, 22:59:43 »
Sliders are already being used.
Glest Advanced Engine - Admin/Programmer


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Re: GUI: Sliders
« Reply #2 on: 13 February 2011, 11:40:01 »
I thought they were, I should have checked but using them in game on units would be interesting, for example rather than clicking on a unit production command 10 times to queue 10 units to produce this could be done with a slider instead.


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Re: GUI: Sliders
« Reply #3 on: 14 February 2011, 10:58:00 »
I thought they were, I should have checked but using them in game on units would be interesting, for example rather than clicking on a unit production command 10 times to queue 10 units to produce this could be done with a slider instead.

Hmmmm, That sounds kind of fiddly... I wouldn't be very keen on this idea.

