Author Topic: Shibboleth Crash (Latest GIT (Master))  (Read 1145 times)


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Shibboleth Crash (Latest GIT (Master))
« on: 22 February 2011, 07:52:21 »
So I was testing Shibboleth, and when you transform into a farm or defense tower; it crashes.
Code: [Select]
Glest Advanced Engine: Error log file.

XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/archer/archer.xml:
Node "cloak" doesn't have 1 children named  "image"

Tree: cloak (de-cloak )
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/models/castle.g3d
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/models/castle.g3d
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/catapult/models/catapult_walking.g3d
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/catapult/models/catapult_walking.g3d
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/destruction_models/defense_tower_destruction.g3d
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/destruction_models/defense_tower_destruction.g3d
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/farm.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/farm.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/swordman: Warning: node 'discount' of morph command is deprecated, use 'cost-modifier' instead
techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/technician: Warning: node 'discount' of morph command is deprecated, use 'cost-modifier' instead
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/archer/archer.xml:
Node "cloak" doesn't have 1 children named  "image"

Tree: cloak (de-cloak )
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/models/castle.g3d
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/models/castle.g3d
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/catapult/models/catapult_walking.g3d
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/catapult/models/catapult_walking.g3d
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/destruction_models/defense_tower_destruction.g3d
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/destruction_models/defense_tower_destruction.g3d
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/farm.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp:
referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/farm.xml
PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/swordman: Warning: node 'discount' of morph command is deprecated, use 'cost-modifier' instead
techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/technician: Warning: node 'discount' of morph command is deprecated, use 'cost-modifier' instead

Lang look-up errors:
The key 'stop' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'eat_spinach' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'eat_spinach' was looked up in gae/data/lang/en.lng and not found.
The key '' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'popeye_strength' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'move' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'gold' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'food' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'research_spinach' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'research_spinach' was looked up in gae/data/lang/en.lng and not found.
The key 'spinach' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'wood' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'become_farm' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'become_farm' was looked up in gae/data/lang/en.lng and not found.
The key 'stone' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'convert_to_archer' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'convert_to_archer' was looked up in gae/data/lang/en.lng and not found.
The key 'attack' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'patrol' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'repair' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'upgrade_blade_weapons' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'upgrade_blade_weapons' was looked up in gae/data/lang/en.lng and not found.
The key 'upgrade_piercing_weapons' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'upgrade_piercing_weapons' was looked up in gae/data/lang/en.lng and not found.
The key 'produce_merlin' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'produce_merlin' was looked up in gae/data/lang/en.lng and not found.
The key 'upgrade_shield' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'upgrade_shield' was looked up in gae/data/lang/en.lng and not found.
The key 'TRANSFORM' was looked up in gae/data/lang/en.lng and not found.
The key 'build_self' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'Build Self' was looked up in gae/data/lang/en.lng and not found.
The key 'become_tower' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'become_tower' was looked up in gae/data/lang/en.lng and not found.
The key 'load' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.
The key 'unload' was looked up in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/lang/alpha_en.lng and not found.


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Re: Shibboleth Crash (Latest GIT (Master))
« Reply #1 on: 22 February 2011, 12:16:33 »
Hi ultifd,

  Do you have a gestadv-crash_22_feb_XXXX.txt file (or maybe it was only the 21st for you?!? where XXXX is the approximate time of this crash) in your config dir ??

  I got a stack trace from tomreyn earlier (using shibboleth) that seems to have been caused by the new transform command, any chance you had just ordered a worker or technician to turn into some building ??
Glest Advanced Engine - Code Monkey

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  • The Glest Video Guy :) The one and only. :P
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Re: Shibboleth Crash (Latest GIT (Master))
« Reply #2 on: 22 February 2011, 19:17:22 »
 Do you have a gestadv-crash_22_feb_XXXX.txt file (or maybe it was only the 21st for you?!? where XXXX is the approximate time of this crash) in your config dir ??
Sorry, I don't. I haven't seen one of those ever, or it has been a long time. There's only "glestadv-error.txt" for me.
I got a stack trace from tomreyn earlier (using shibboleth) that seems to have been caused by the new transform command, any chance you had just ordered a worker or technician to turn into some building ??
Yes, it happens when you transform info a farm or defense tower. Sorry, I didn't catch that; that's the problem when I test stuff really late.
Edit: it happened when I moving around the camera too, weird.
Edit: Now it just happens when you leave everything running for a few seconds. Very weird.

