Are you sure the crash report is recent? It's dated 20 days ago and it looks like it's caused by using left click to issue a command then something happens with requirements.
Oops lol you're right, I used date modified to check if it was the right date, mustn't of noticed 04/02/2011 amongst all the 24/02/2011.
Network games between two players work fine, so it has something to do with the AI I think.
Edit: After cleaning up some of my texture maps I tried to launch a game with two factions and now I'm getting this message in the AI Log (there were too many textures for GAE to handle with massive normal and specular maps so I've reduced them all to 128x128-256x256 down from 512x512-1024x1024).
Glest Advanced Engine: AI log file.
AI: 1 [invalid value] Frame: 0, : Frame: 0, faction: 1: Glest::Plan::GlestAiInterface::GlestAiInterface Faction index: 1, Type:hyperion Random seed: 487155