I imagine with an RTS they will all need to be loaded at once I guess, with other games mainly FPS, the textures are drawn when a player is near them or in a level/zone/whatever that they are used in where as in an RTS all textures used by every faction and by the tileset must be loaded and ready to use as the player could view them at any minute. You could have it so the textures are loaded when the type of unit is first introduced into the game but once all the units are introduced we have the same problem as before anyway.
Would pre-creating mipmaps help at all or do they still need to be loaded into the game, I'm guessing GAE reads all the textures into memory and mipmaps them adding the mipmapped versions of the textures into the memory too. By pre-creating mipmaps it would mean GAE reads all the textures and then reads all their mipmaps into memory and all it does is skip the step where mipmaps are created and would thus not really solve the texture overloading issue? If this is the case, precreating mipmaps wont really help I guess.
Another suggestion would be to have a hi-res and low-res texture game setting. Low-Res loads low-res versions of textures if provided and mipmaps them. Whislt in Hi-Res mode, the original textures are loaded and no mipmaps are created, would decent graphic cards around 1gb dedicated memory handle this, if they would then this would be a nice solution.
Or maybe more control over how many mip maps are made, I'm gonna guess again and say that mip maps the original texture halved in width and height again and again until it's at something like 2x2? Instead maybe reduce the oringal texture to 64x64 and down so that large textures like 1024x1024 go straight to 64x64 then get halved and halved instead of going from 1024x1024 to 512x512 to 256x256, 128x128 then 64x64 and down. This would then save memory maybe? This is all just a total guess as I'm no programmer