I had a chat on IRC a few days back, where someone encouraged me to try making a Glest map of my own. Since I love the simple map editor of Glest, I decided to give it a shot, and made my first Glest level today
I aimed for something large, detailed, and of high quality.
This is a MegaGlest level, and was made using the latest MegaGlest SVN (so that might be needed to run it... not sure). Download link
here. Here is the screenshot from above:
Let me know what you think please, and if you like. Also correct me on what I did wrong or missed, so I know for future maps.
[EDIT] Just updated the map to v1.1. New download link
here. Things I changed:
- The water road to the left is meant to be walkable, but was not. Fixed terrain height so units can walk over it.
- Added a bit more gold and stone around the starting points (a little further from them). The normal ones stay as they are.
- Some rocks / mountains were too much in the middle of the roads, improved that.
- Added more details and objects. Most visible inside water, where I added some rocks so it won't look deserted.
Edit by Omega: Removed image of old version. With images that big, only one is needed. Resized image due to that size, but it links to the fullsized original.