[13:13] <debill> laptop% mk/linux/glest.bin --ini-path=mk/linux/ --data-path=mk/linux/
[13:13] <debill> v3.4.1-dev-GNUC: 40405-Mar 30 2011 15:04:04, SVN: [Rev: 1955M], [STREFLOP]
[13:13] <debill> Mesa warning: couldn't open libtxc_dxtn.so, software DXTn compression/decompression unavailable
[13:13] <debill> glest.bin: brw_wm_surface_state.c:538: brw_update_renderbuffer_surface: Assertion `brw->has_surface_tile_offset || (tile_x == 0 && tile_y == 0)' failed.
[13:13] <debill> [1] 6253 abort mk/linux/glest.bin --ini-path=mk/linux/ --data-path=mk/linux/
[13:14] <debill> its happened when im trying to launch battle with romans or with scenario Mission: Break Out
[13:15] <debill> on laptop. But on other host everything goes fine
[13:27] <debill> and when im trying to change tech (to Vbros pack 4) in "Custom game" page
[14:23] <titi_at_work> debill thats (somehow) interisting ...
[14:23] <titi_at_work> which linux?
[14:25] <titi_at_work> Now I know ( google is my friend )
[14:25] <titi_at_work> your card does not support s3tc completly
[14:25] <titi_at_work> it is based on the mesa implementation maybe.
[14:26] <titi_at_work> ( s3tc is texture compression ) which is used by MG
[14:26] <titi_at_work> So which graphics hardware / driver are you using?
[14:27] <titi_at_work> its also maybe related to the content which is used in the vbros packs!
[14:28] <titi_at_work> while loading the textures MG prepares them on the fly into a compressed texture format. Which format is decided by the driver
[14:28] <titi_at_work> I mean which format is used is decided by the graphics driver.
[14:28] <KroArtem> s3tc can be compiled as a library and added as a plugin to mesa (err, may be not as a plugin, but it's support can be added manually)
[14:29] <titi_at_work> In your case it looks like s3tc is used, but your driver does not fully support it....
[14:29] <titi_at_work> yes so I think this library is maybe missing ( as he said! )
[14:29] <titi_at_work> Mesa warning: couldn't open libtxc_dxtn.so
[14:30] <titi_at_work> KroArtem does this mesa lib has full s3tc support?
[14:30] <titi_at_work> http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/S3TC
[14:31] <titi_at_work> here for example is stated its only partly implemented yet because of ... patents
[14:32] <debill> i can use romans on 3,4,0 version
[14:32] <debill> in dev no
[14:32] <debill> card is GMA
[14:33] <KroArtem> well, I'm not a pro in such things, however I didn't manage to add s3tc support to mesa drivers 1-2 months ago
[14:33] <titi_at_work> To sum it up: the mods must somehow use a graphics format which is supported by MG in general, but not supported by the driver ( which does the compression/conversion )
[14:33] <titi_at_work> I will talk to softcoder if some kind of texture replacement has been taken place in romans
[14:34] <titi_at_work> maybe there is used a format now which was not used before
[14:34] <titi_at_work> this would explain the problem
[14:37] <titi_at_work> debill which linux distri is it?
[14:37] <debill> ubuntu10.10