Dear past and future contributors to MegaGlest translations,
some months ago now, we have setup a megaglest-translations mailing list: would like you who have previously contributed to translations to subscribe to it. This mailing list is an announcement-only mailing list, we use it for the sole purpose of notifying you when it is about time to get the translations sorted (so usually shortly before a release). So we are not going to spam you with irrelevant news if you sign up there, nor will anyone else. Some people have already signed up there after our last call on it (I contacted many people directly by email then), but we can be more!
So, please, if you are just considering to contribute translations to MegaGlest in the future, sign up to this mailing list. This makes things so much easier for us.
If you have any trouble signing up please notify me and explain the problem (what did you do, what did you expect to happen, what did actually happen).
Thank you,