I as many of you are, am extremely excited for the merge. But I feel we could do more than a merge, we could use this as a chance to refactor or more so change Glest's weak points, to make a better engine; which leads to a much better game.
You've heard the saying if it isn’t broke, don't fix it. Well during the Merge, Glest will be broke, so why not
truely fix it ?
Believe it or not, Glest has extremely good graphics for an RTS. It can have pretty high poly models, more than large enough textures and can render pretty big battles at once. The only things letting it down are:
The Lighting: Lighting is one of the most important and influential elements in environments. It has the power to really make the atmosphere. But Glest has pretty dodgy lighting, things such as bloom, or maybe even HDR lighting could help. Though, I'm not a coder so I do not know the difficulty in implementing such things; but one thing is for sure, it can be improved look at 0 A.D for example. It has terrific lighting. It has loads of contrast between colours which creates a lot of extra detail.
I was talking to Arch about it, and here is what he said:
Here’s a list of basic things Glest shadows could use:
-Soft Shadows
-Resolution Masking
-Fix Higher Resolution (lines get drawn instead of super high resolution textures, ie:4096)
-Shadow Blur (if someone sets a low shadow frame rate to gain performance, it should blur between frames so it doesn't look so blocky)
The Tile system:Again I'm sorry, but I'm going to cite 0 A.D as an example. As it is the perfect example of what is achievable, the game flows much smoother because the units don’t seem to be attached to a grid like Glest’s units are. Obviously we can’t lose the tile system as that would pretty much break every mod including magitech, but we can make it far less obvious.
Things like Tucho’s suggestion here:
https://forum.megaglest.org/index.php?topic=6690.0 would help to achieve this. Other ideas like Units standing on a tile could be able to cut the square into triangles in whichever way depending on it’s size and which cell point it is standing on. This could lead to things like circular or 360 degree rotatable buildings AND placable walls working really well. Again I’m not a coder, I’ve just heard this is a way to do it, so please don’t judge if this is wrong. But I believe changing the tile system a bit would be very worth-while, or even necessary.
Water, and shaders and the environment:GAE’s use of shaders is a massive leap forward in Glest’s graphic abilities, but shaders still aren’t being used to their full potential. Open GL is capable of some pretty awesome stuff, if we used these kinds of things on the terrain we could to some amazing things. Omega had a nice example:
For ground textures, I propose a two step approach that I've successfully tried before. There's two textures, one is the terrain's colors, which, in the below example, is one large image stretched in a very large area. The next is the "detail map", a tiled texture that adds "details", in this case, pebbles. This example shows what I mean. This is the terrain rendering example from Irrlitch, and the top image is with the detail map, while the bottom is without it.
The Detail Map used (512x512)
The base texture used (1024x1024)
Things like water shaders and reflective surfaces on water would be very worthwhile, Glest’s water is extremely boring and isn’t anything near where it could be.
Although Glest has an cartoony art-style about it, doesn’t mean it can’t look like an awesome cartoon
I could go into much greater detail in all this things, but then maybe that would require a new thread. So I'm keeping them brief.
This post has turned more focused on graphics. Which is probably bad, but as an artist (well I try to be) in the community I don’t know much about what else is possible. But I’d like to pose the idea of refactoring Glest during the merge to make it an even better game to the people who do know how to make Glest better gameplay, and functionallity-wise.