If you are a developer, please build MegaGlest on your own and get in touch to contribute (or post your patches on the forums).
Code: [Select][img]http://images.4chan.org/b/src/1305862421999.jpg[/img]
4chan.com is the troll hole. Full of nudity, and racism. Basically the underworld of the internet.
[spoiler]You are now inside the deep web, please go further![spoiler]www.4chan.org will guide you deeper into the web, but not deep enough.[spoiler]So you seek to go deeper and deeper, so it will be, I warn you! These sites are not your average sites! Often full of virus porn and you muss be behind atleast 7 proxys or else..[spoiler]Here it is, the deepest of deep web![spoiler]Are you absolutely sure, you still can return back![spoiler]Sorry, loser, can't post links here thou..[spoiler]or will i?[spoiler]Will Gabbe dare to break the moderator rules and post links?[spoiler]You sure are foolish to still keep going, do you really think the links will appear?[spoiler]The links to the sites you wish, are you absolutely 100% sure?[spoiler]It will cause you mental illnes![spoiler]Whyyy?[spoiler]It is not worth it! You will become an animal![spoiler]Return! Return before it is too late![spoiler]The links cannot be posted! They are too long and too scary! o.O[spoiler]Gabbe will not deliver links! Nao![spoiler]okay, you win, links here:[spoiler]jokes on you, links removed.[spoiler]or are they?[spoiler]They are still hidden somewere here!?!?![spoiler]Yes they are here I have them, here i'll give them too you!:[spoiler]Oh, sorry wrong links! here:[spoiler]http://tinyurl.com/42cdwbs is the link[spoiler]now, i have guided you, if you didnt find anything, here is something else to help:[spoiler]proxy.org is nice for doin stuffs like this...[spoiler]You have now succesfully entered the deep wed haven't you?[spoiler]No you new*** youve only been here since the rock started cookin! www.4chan.org[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler]www.google.com is a tool to find the deepes regions of the web![spoiler]So you are brave, wish to seek the deep web; I will deliver links...[spoiler]Are you so sure this is what you want? I have links that go far deeper into the web than yove ever been...[spoiler]Not allowed to post linkers here, so too bad for you[spoiler]or..[spoiler]nop just kidding![/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]Surface web[spoiler]You new*** go back and enter deep web![/spoiler][/spoiler]
Quote from: Gabbe on 20 May 2011, 05:51:57http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/1003/moderators-marchallenge-moderators-kissing-up-but-serious-demotivational-poster-1268482170.jpgMercury (can't think of his Greek name offhand)
Code: [Select][img]http://jpg.artige.no/store/8083.jpg[/img]