Firstly, GAE doesn't support floats in emission rate because it was initially an integer in Glest, but changed in MG, though GAE missed that change. I pointed it out several times in the past, but seems to have gone ignored. Would be a very easy change to do, though.
As for the powers of two, technically, GAE
could support them if they wanted, but because this can cause many older graphics cards to develop problems, they chose to manually reject all non-power of two images, to force the modders to use these images for compatibility. Sadly, MG has not done the same, and I'd recommend that all images in the MG version of this mod be converted to powers of two to prevent problems with these older graphics cards. Though, GAE should be telling you which image failed in the log. If it isn't, that must be an overlook, and should perhaps be reported.
The latest working copy of the Sci-Fi Pack uses a lot of recent functionality in MG (multiple/animated projectile particles, multiple models per skill, unrotated tile set objects etc) so will be even less GAE compatible although anyone is free to make a GAE port whenever it's stable.
It's worth noting that multiple models per skill seems to have an implementation in GAE, as per Shibboleth's swordman. I am confident we will see multiple projectile particles soon (or hope so, as Apocalyptic Dawn is dependent on them making an appearance for the Brotherhood faction). I'd consider tilesets 'seperate' from the main faction in mods, so unrotated tileset objects isn't a huge deal, provided that GAE doesn't add support for it by the time the mod is released.
Overall, if planning to fork into both GAE and MG, it would be a great idea to add some GAE specific code then too, as some such as Guard/Patrol, Emanations/Effects, custom leveling, tooltips, and the like can be added into a faction without any critical changes to the structure.