It is tiny, but 5.XX MB < 10.XX MB, which actually makes it >
. Even if it just saves some seconds...~10 secs in my case. Others will be even faster, or slower.
How about my question?
Awesome models/mod and particles. I don't have the time to actually try it out today, but everything looks good, mostly. (There's some black outlines on the Mothership? that doesn't look too good.) Also the laser turret's armor is really...strong. Is there a reason for this? I feel like it'll take tons of units just to destroy it.
I'm trying to match a tileset to this faction. Currently the other Mars faction has a "redrock" tileset, but it doesn't match. I think the moon tileset does, a bit more than the winter tilesets/christmas. Green Dawn Martian Invasion is invading...the moon? Hmm...This faction vs the Moon faction?
edit: and for some reason the chemical trooper can't harm workers that are right in front of them...