There seems to be an issue which causes the error message
Error creating texture 2D to be printed to the cmd.exe window on Windows and the standard error output channel on Linux when you run MegaGlest.
Here's an example log line containing this message:
[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss] *ERROR* In [..\..\source\glest_game\menu\menu_state_connected_game.cpp::Glest::Game::MenuStateConnectedGame::render 1058] error [Error creating texture 2D [], returned: 1286 (506) [] w = 750, h = 750, glInternalFormat = 32856, glFormat = 6408, glCompressionFormat = 32856]
It has been stated (TotalNoob, teersen) that this issue occurs on MegaGlest v3.5.0 but not on v3.4.0.
This issue only seems to affect people with an ATI GPU with standard (non-patched) drivers.
This error occurs for most affected people by the time they should get to see a map preview, so either when they start a custom game or when they connect to a remote game server. It does not seem to always occur for them, though, meaning they may be able to connect to some game servers but not others.
Most people affected by this issue will be able to play on both multi-player (multiple networked computers) and single-player (single computer) games, but experience graphical issues in-game. Rarely users are not able to play at all, running into critical bugs with an "error creating texture 2D" message displayed on screen, followed by the game exiting, at various application states.
The exact cause of this issue is currently unknown. The is some indication that this can be caused by an ATI drivers bug, though.
r2025: Ubuntu 10.10 + ATI open source driver issues (tomreyn)*
3.50 beta 2: Preview image issues (teersen)*
Vanilla Glest: Error creating texture 2D (StrikerShot21)