There's a few things about game widgets I think would be nice:
- Have the game save into the config the possition of the in game widgets (action box, minimap and resource bar), this way we don't have to reposition the game widgets every time we start a new game.
Lock widget positions. This would be nice so we don't accidently move the widgets adn so that we can control the scene behind the widget's 'draggable' areas. Maybe a little tick box in the in game menu?- Horizontal action bar (whatever it's called) and a vertical resource bar. These could be set in the options menu and save in the game config. Most RTS games that I have played have had the unit actions in the bottom horizontal rather than up the side vertically.
This is an old thread, but these features would be very useful, mainly having the game remember the position and size of the widgets. Whenever starting a new game I have to increase the mini map size and then dragon the widgets closer to the edges of the screen and lock. Saving the positions and size of the mini map in the .ini would be very handy.
Could a widget.cfg option for the Display widget and Resource widget to by swapped from horizontal to vertical be added. So Rather that having the resources displayed along the top of the screen they could be listed vertically under the minimap? Perhaps have it set so that if the resource widget is moved from the top of the screen to the center left it'll swap from a horizontal list to a vertical list?