Well, I'm pretty sure that was an attack so please don't do that again.
Do they not want to play new and innovating mods?
It seems like you don't, It seems like you don't, and everything should be like magitech.... and you're branding those who do as the "modders" and those who don't as the "players".
I guess I was being too vague, although I didn't think you'd jump to a conclusion like that. I guess you've never seen my feedback of mods...or vids.
So, IMO if you're a player or a tester, Glest/MG/GAE is the actual game and engine, while Mods are just addons or data. Sometimes though, if the mod is good enough in all or most aspects, then it's like what you said. But all of the mods that has been released so far hasn't done that...
As for modders to players, that discussion would just be getting more and more OT, and I don't think it'll go anywhere. One thing though, if modders were players also they would try and play both of the engines, release it for both of the forks and etc. That's not my main reason but it's still something that bothers me a bit.
And don't forgot about testers. To them I believe it's really apparent that the engine is also the game, and mods are mods.
This community is already divided enough.
The community is divided, but it's only because of those people who choose to join a side. I think it's fine to prefer something, but not when they choose a side and etc. I've seen this with both sides of the community, and I continue to see it...