Author Topic: BUG - Addons cannot change menu model, about models, language strings, etc...  (Read 891 times)


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Unless I did something wrong when I compiled the current Git-master (as of 7:04 12/06/2011), the addons seem to not be working correctly. The techtree can still be loaded, but Military is unable to display its custom main menu model, the custom about models, sounds, language file, etc... No changes were done to the source itself, though data dir and config dir are both set to "." (same folder), and the folder structure is the same as the original Glest used (rather than having the techs folder in "shared/glestae", it is in the base "install" folder, along with the executables).
« Last Edit: 17 June 2011, 22:32:57 by Omega »
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Where are you putting the addons ?

Addons are expected in,

Glest Advanced Engine - Code Monkey

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  • MegaGlest Team
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That's where it is. It recognizes the factions, scenarios, tilesets, and maps fine, just the data it seems to be choking on. If it is of any use, the addon is not compressed, but as a folder in the addons directory, though that never made a difference before.
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