Noticing a trending pattern where people shoot down the very concept of having such an idea even available, I decided to post this topic here. This is not a topic to give a reasoning or resolve for problems, but just to present a moral view to some posters, in hopes they can see things in different light.
First, let's talk about features. Obviously not everyone is going to use any given feature. For example, so players like lots of micromanagement, they think that's what makes the game fun, challenging, and unique. Other players loath micromanagement, thinking it's just an annoyance that takes them away from the fun of the game. So who's right and who's wrong? NOBODY. If someone wants to implement a feature that can remove a degree of that micromanagement, obviously those who loath micromanagement would support it, and those who don't will not, so where's the resolve? How do we make both sides happy? Why not give them a choice? Rather than forcing the players to use one of the two options: to have such a feature or not to have such a feature, instead, give the viewer a choice: do you want to use this feature? It should be there, but they can choose whether or not to use it (either by an INI setting or an ingame toggle).
Remember that there is a huge community out there. Also, there's a heck of a lot more players than posters on this board. Many of them don't have a voice, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have to be taken into account. Most of the common posters here are experienced players. That doesn't mean you have to oppose a change that will make the game easier to a new player simply because it is useless to you. Obviously, you'd rather see development work being focused on something you can use, but, please, remember that there are others playing Glest, and even if a [biased] "majority" of posters state an opinion, take into aspect those who are silent.
Obviously, a mod is your own work. While I can personally advise that you take into aspect tips and "constructive criticism" of others, I cannot force you to do so. It's your mod, after all. You're free to do as you please. However, one should still try and take into aspect that there are so many other players, and a fresh mind never hurt anyone. Developers are always welcome to implement features as they will. We can't take them for granted, we are very happy that they are doing these things. Naturally, I would hope that they try and take the community's say into things, and consider things from every point of view, rather than just from their one-sided view.
As well, just because it's a minority that will use a feature doesn't mean that it's a bad idea. For example, if documenting the INI options of a program, there may be a few unstable INI options that very few people will ever have a use for. In fact, it could be completely useless, or negatively impacting, for the vast majority of users. However, if just one user could make use of that documentation, perhaps they just wanted to know it exists, perhaps they wanted to do more testing, perhaps they wanted a quick way to find the name without combing through the source code, then the feature is of merit. Sure, it should carry some warning so the majority of users won't get mucked up by using it, but there's no reason to oppose documenting its existence, even if just for the record.
As well, remember we are all human beings. The way I see it, we are all equal, whether we be new here or been here for years, whether we are a programmer or whether we can hardly type, whether we are a moderator or the newbie with one post, our opinions count for the same. Obviously, the programmers may end up being the ones to do the work, and can do as they please, when it comes to looking at just what the community wants, everyone counts for the same. We are all people, and we all must remember that when we take into aspect the opinions of others.
Just because you won't ever use a feature doesn't mean that it is necessarily useless. For example, I make all my XMLs from scratch. I find it more versatile and effective, but that's just me. Others, without doubt, obviously will find the exact opposite to be true. Such as in the case of the XML editor. I don't need it, I have no personal use for it. But, I support it because it will help others, and the way I see it, if at least one person is helped by something, it is of use, even if every other person has no use for it. Because, when it all comes down to it, it's all your choice whether or not you will use this program.
This brings me down to the entire point of this: Choice. It doesn't matter if you like it. I don't care. I really don't care the least if you loath a feature from the bottom of your heart, but as long as it's a choice for others, it's a win in my book. Obviously, a "forced" feature may not be the best, but choices, such as something optional a mod can create, like a custom GUI, or something optional a user can choose to turn on, such as auto-repair, are things that will improve the game for the better.
So, please, hear my plea. Before you hit the post button next time, step into someone else's shoes (virtually), and see how it looks from there. And remember, just because you don't like it doesn't mean others think the same way.