Could Glest be converted into a Park Sim, I'd love to recreate Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis, obviously there would be a few differences, for example units can only be created by other units, for this I'd add a construction vehicle which can be upgraded to build faster and eventually fly. The Main Menu would need to be different as it would be single player only and when starting a game other players wont need to be selected.
There could be Free Build Mode where you can build your own park, Sandbox Mode which is also free play but with unlimited resources and then Scenarios could be made use of as normal.
Victory and Defeat conditions would have to be different as there are no opponents to kill. The resources are fine, with money and for a Genesis remake DNA would act differently rather than collecting it for each dino you'd collect it for each time period and spend it on improving dinos through the upgrade system.
This could be done with what GAE offers today but with some issues, for one it would have to be single player only (some multi player gameplay could be added but single player would do fine at first). Second a few changes to the main menu would be needed (done through the menu xml probably). Third reports would need to be added and the most important, customers, they would need to spawn from an entrance, experience other units, maybe enter them using the transport feature somehow and then they would need to leave on their own, these could act as the player's own units but would have to wander around on their own following path units. Also for Genesis or even a Zoo builder the dinos/animals would need their own AI and a few resources besides health and energy.
There's a lot that would be needed really but I thought I'd throw this feature out there. Also does anyone know any other game engines which could offer something more on the lines of park builder (I know about Theme Park Builder 3D but that's more Roller Coasters) and I would mod genesis but it is very limited when it comes to adding new content.