Author Topic: Update Documentation(s)  (Read 749 times)


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Update Documentation(s)
« on: 29 June 2011, 23:54:31 »
We should update Documentations (e.g. Wiki) to let modders find the cool new features added last weeks.


Does not contain how to use hp-cost  (btw. : <hp-cost value="123" /> )

I can do the features I concepted. Can anyone do the other features?

« Last Edit: 18 June 2016, 15:25:12 by filux »


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Re: Update Documentation(s)
« Reply #1 on: 30 June 2011, 06:15:12 »
We should update Documentations (e.g. Wiki) to let modders find the cool new features added last weeks.


Does not contain how to use hp-cost  (btw. : <hp-cost value="123" /> )

I can do the features I concepted. Can anyone do the other features?

Being the one who made that specific XML page (and all the other XML pages, for that matter), I will happily add them if someone could list them all here. When I created the unified XML pages, I went through all existing MG and GAE pages with a fine toothed comb, but these features aren't documented.

Should anyone add them, MG only code should be surrounded by <!-- Start MG Only --> and <!-- End MG Only -->, each on a new line. This will add the blue background you see on those pages already. Case insensitive, but doesn't hurt to use the same case for consistency. As well, for this same consistency, you should take a look at how existing elements are documented on those pages, noteable how headers are used, the neutral point of view, and how things are in the order of appearance.

For the most part, you got a free reign, edit away. In fact, please do some compulsively. A very complete documentation is my goal, and the megapack doesn't even have a page yet (even the Vbros packs and project green have pages, so with the size of the megapack, that's pretty bad), and it's lower on my list to do, as my current priorities are merging the Lua documentation, then trying to get a modeling tutorial up, a texturing tutorial, and an animation tutorial. Then for faction documentation, I'll be starting with getting unit pages for all of magitech's units. And if Military's changes get further underway, it will be my top priority.
« Last Edit: 18 June 2016, 12:56:12 by filux »
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