If you are using the original Glest, you'll find most mods won't work for it, since many modders are embracing the substantially more feature-filled forks, GAE (Glest Advanced Engine) and MG (MegaGlest). For example, my Military mod is for GAE, and the last version was distributed with the executable, meaning you just had to install and play as though it were a standalone game. Later, the next version will be an addon, which is a folder structure made to ensure that installing mods is easier. For example, on Glest/MegaGlest, you just have to extract the file (it will be an archive like 7z, which you'll need a program such as 7-zip for) into the program directory. On GAE, you just have to place the archive, unopened, in your addons folder, which is located in your personal folder.
As well, MG has a limited mod download center which allows you to download a small number of MG only mods. For a full list of mods, see:
https://docs.megaglest.org/Mods/ListThe wiki is the best place to download and host mods by far, it's superior for information, many mods have pages, and it's the highest ranked in terms of SEO.