Thanks all for your answers.
I won't update my service pack. Except runing megaglest my system work correctly on windows today and I don't want to buy a license or anything.
I already read faq, topics about bugs and I run the program from a comand line, but it doesn't diplay anything.
Just the bug report I already write about :
"Exception Information
Code : 0xc0000000000000000 Adress : 0x0000000000477ee0" and many lines after...
Unfortunatly I can't make a copy/paste of it.
My RAM is 1GB and yes I read about system requirements.
I understand you take time and are involved to help people, wich is very nice. But not so many people are going to all reinstall there computer to get this game eventhouth it's great : I can tell it, I play on it on ubuntu.
If I bother you about windows, it's because
1) my system encounters issues with my graphic card on ubuntu. I'm not able to solve it and after reading forums for weeks, it looks like there is no good solution. I have dualboot, but, I will come back to windows because of those problems : I had to connect my screen with my old (and too short) vga cable because hdmi doesn't work. Videaos are quite not possible to look at and other disagreements.
2) my friends are on windows, I won't convince them to play a game wich is not runing on their computer (old computers with XP like mine) if I can't run it on XP on my own computer.
Sorry for my poor english or if you disagree. I really thank you for your help and for this game which I like very much. I'm interested in open source solutions and ready to try to understand, but reading forums and trying to run it on my own computer, it seems sometimes to difficult for me, and for people around me.
See you.
Olivier as Cavavin