I've a suggestion about making it easier to scroll the display to show your units: When there are units grouped with Ctrl-[0-9], pressing a number selects the corresponding group of units. It would be nice if pressing the same number again would automatically scroll the display so that the selected units are in the center. If the selected units aren't close enough together to fit on the display, center the display to the largest subgroup; if there are no subgroups because all the units are far apart from each other, then display the unit that is the furthest away from what is currently displayed.
It would also be nice if there was a key to generally center the display on selected unit(s). For example, I can have units or a unit on the top left corner of the map selected and scroll the display to the bottom right corner while the unit(s) are/is selected. When I press that key, the display centers on the selected unit(s). The same key could work the same for buildings.
These two keys would make playing a lot easier and speed things up.