Yes, when using multiple animations for die skills you need to do something special in the xml to avoid this:
<animation-random-cycle-maxcount value="1" />
example taken from japanese faction:
<type value="die"/>
<name value="die_skill"/>
<ep-cost value="0"/>
<speed value="60"/>
<anim-speed value="70"/>
<animation-random-cycle-maxcount value="1" />
<animation path="../castle/models/nagae_death.g3d"/>
<animation path="../castle/models/nagae_deathb.g3d"/>
<animation path="../castle/models/nagae_deathc.g3d"/>
<sound enabled="true" start-time="0">
<sound-file path="sounds/swordman_die1.wav"/>
<sound-file path="sounds/swordman_die2.wav"/>
<fade value="false"/>
This will ensure that the die animation does no switch once it is selected.