Gah, this topic is starting to become a mess...
About the importer, it's probably better to point to the latest revision.
Um, did you compare the files? They're the exact same. I linked to a specific revision as security against possible changes (eg, if the file ever becomes replaced by one meant for 2.5x only). It's just like if you wish to quote text on the wiki, it's best to quote a specific revision, as there's no guarantee that future versions will say the same text.
Also, the 'modelling section on the Blender wiki page currently points to a an 'Import script' page which points to a directory on which doesn't contain a script called (which the text on the same page refers to). Maybe someone with more insight into modelling than me could update the wiki?
There's nothing mentioned on the page you linked, I presume you refer to
the page on the import script? That page is a mess (there should never even be an exclamation mark on the wiki pages), and in need of a rewrite, but I haven't time for that. However, your issue with the link is incorrect, the file is most certainly there (though should be pointed to the newer version of the importer in the MegaGlest SVN when the page is rewritten), just not called The file name on is The file is contained inside that zip file.
Finally, windows users may not know how to run a python script. It might be good to either explain how to do this (I assume you want the Activestate python distribution?) or to provide a precompiled .exe.
You don't seem to understand how blender uses these scripts. None of them should be compiled, blender will read them and use them accordingly to perform certain functions. You simply place the script in a certain folder (which sadly has multiple different locations, depending on where you tell blender to create the scripts folder on installation; for example, I told blender to make the scripts folder in the installation directory. The default is to use appdata).
All these things will probably get easier when we get to use MD5.
Mhm, though compatibility will be an issue until both engines support the format. Mods made with both engines in mind will be going same ol', same ol' for the meantime. But... we've been doing it this way for years, it's really not very difficult if you can follow basic instructions.
Well, I made a model, how do I save it as. G3d file? I choose menu-file-export-G3d XML Exporter Ver1.1, but I can only save as. Xml file, can not be saved as. G3d.
BTW: How do I save a file type megaglest? Example: character0.g3d file type: megagle (. G3d)
Now this confuses me... I thought we were importing a model? Now we're exporting? Anyway, follow the instructions on the wiki.