There's a somewhat bizarre bug in the IRC client which causes this to happen:
* MG_tomreyn_248 (~MG_tomrey@[redaced]) joined #megaglest-lobby
<tomreyn> nick Googlehupf
* MG_tomreyn_248 is now known as Googlehupf
<tomreyn> nick MG_tomreyn_248
* Googlehupf ist now known as MG_tomreyn_248
MG_tomreyn248 is connected to IRC from the game lobby,
tomreyn is connected using some other IRC client. As long as
nick is the only command you can force upon players this should not be any more severe than just being funny - I tried some other commands but
nick was the only one I could get to work. Nice easter egg, got more?
Edit: Credit for this goes to Atze, since he brought this up.