Well, I ./configure'd and jam'ed the code, then moved glest and glest.ini into the data dreictory. Once i'd done that, I ran ./glest and it started. I can modify settings, and view the "about" sutt,f I just cant use the "play" option.
The terminal output shows:-
[richard@Pine glest_game]$ ./glest
OpenAL Vendor: J. Valenzuela
OpenAL Version: 0.0.8
OpenAL Renderer: Software
OpenAl Extensions: Software
Couldn't process event: No files found in: tilesets/*
Couldn't process event: No files found in: tilesets/*
Couldn't process event: No files found in: tilesets/*
(There is one "couldnt process event...") for each time I press the "play" button.
Any ideas?