Off topic has been axed by yours truly. It was the result of a misunderstanding (read Mr War's line again), and completely irreverent to this discussion. In the future, take such to private messages please. Bickering and attacking each other is by no means productive.
As for my opinions on the mod itself, I think it should be for GAE, since MegaGlest doesn't support water units in the meantime, and even when MegaGlest does, why not make a MegaGlest and GAE mod, rather than focusing on a single engine.
As well, I question how well such a project will really turn out. We've had very mixed results in "collaboration" projects, and they tend to take an exceedingly lengthy time to complete, have issues with involvement, and overall end up just being a mess (whereas a bunch of people meeting in a room every morning can be fairly productive, when we factor in the difficulty of distributing the latest versions of files (obviously git or svn would be the best approach, but in the retrospective, they're also incredibly complex), the fact everyone works as a volunteer in their own time, the mixed experiences and styles of others (ever seen a messy person try and work with a neat-freak?), etc, it becomes... well, a mess).
With that being said, it can work out, after all, Dark Magic did eventually work out (more than a year later), but it would be quite difficult. Throw in the fact that the "lead game designer" cannot fully commit to the project (why not finish GIS first, or fully abandon it, then work on this?), my spidey senses are leading towards the project ultimately ending poorly. Of course, you're more than welcome to prove me wrong, and should it succeed, it has great potent.