Since x86_64-256.53 Version of NVIDIA-Driver (e.g. x86_64-280.13 or x86_64-290.10) MG crashes on changing the VTs with:
megaglest v3.6.0.2
Compiled using: GNUC: 40401 [64bit] on: Dec 20 2011 00:31:36
SVN: [Rev: 3019M] - using STREFLOP
[2012-01-01 13:34:52] *ERROR* In [/home/softcoder/Code/megaglest/trunk/source/glest_game/main/main.cpp::handleRuntimeError Line: 416] [OpenGL error #1282 [0x502] : [invalid operation] at file: [/home/softcoder/Code/megaglest/trunk/source/glest_game/graphics/renderer.cpp], line: 500] gameInitialized = 1, program = 0x10f86f0
[2012-01-01 13:34:52] *ERROR* In [/home/softcoder/Code/megaglest/trunk/source/glest_game/main/main.cpp::handleRuntimeError Line: 509] [OpenGL error #1282 [0x502] : [invalid operation] at file: [/home/softcoder/Code/megaglest/trunk/source/glest_game/graphics/renderer.cpp], line: 500
Stack Trace:
megaglest:Glest::Game::glestMain(int, char**) address [0x6e4732] line: 3645
megaglest:Glest::Game::glestMainWrapper(int, char**) address [0x6ea1d3] line: 3764
/lib/ address [0x7fd7b5b3eead] line: 0
megaglest() [0x5bf869] address [0x5bf869] line: 116
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): OpenGL error #1282 [0x502] : [invalid operation] at file: [/home/softcoder/Code/megaglest/trunk/source/glest_game/graphics/renderer.cpp], line: 500