Hi. I hope this is the right topic. (Megaglest topic seems more technical.)
I tried Megaglest just recently and I like it. Like other games of this kind, it quickly gets addictive.
The graphics are pretty good. (That can be a flaw with FOSS games.) They're event better than what they looked on the screenshots I had seen before trying. BTW, I heard of another game of the same kind, 0 A.D., for which the graphics look event more stunning. Yet, I'm no gamer at all, so I can't compare with recent commercial games. I just played a bit of Warcraft 2 and 3 and Starcraft a while ago.
I did the tutorials. They are just as they should be. Someone who already knows about this kind of games will go through them fast but without feeling he's treated like a child.
Now, I'm on the scenarios. I went through the easy ones easily. Now, I just finished the medium ones.
I must admit I had a hard times on the latter. Especially with "anarchy". I am fighting my natural tendency to wait until I grow the biggest I can before attacking. I was eradicated by the magicians before I could grow enough. Si I tried to attack asap. I could get rid of the techs, at last, but just to be erased by the magicians not long after.
For my last and victorious attempt, I went directly to the magicians up right and managed in a few strikes to kill them all with archers, avoiding the golem. At some point, the enemy didn't produce any initiate. Perhaps lack of supplies, as all of them were dead. The golem helped me with its dumbness : it just stopped moving and let my archers destroy everything. In fact it is so slow I would just have had to move the archers from time to time, but I didn't really have to. Overall, it was not that hard but just required a bit of subtlety, not just sending the troops and watching them fight.
I created a castle there to mine more gold, as shortages are an issue in this scenario. In the meantime, I went after the techs, who had grown a bit and they killed the troops that remained from my previous attack on the magicians but I produced new fighters and ultimately got rid of them (which is weird, as I almost created a new army from scratch). Again, the archers were of good use, using the "hold position" action to avoid the tower. I still had trouble managing the whole army. I don't use groups as I should, I suppose. I don't send the right fighters after the right targets. My horsemen are often stuck in thin passages when archers are in the way, and it is complicated to open the way : the masses of archers move in every way and in the meantime, they get shot.
At last, it was me and the magicians from the opposite side of the map. I begun building a few watch towers that proved useless as they did not come close enough. I ended up winning easily : I sent a huge army on them to realize they actually had not grown that much. They just had battlemages and very few summoners. I wonder what they had been doing. They had not even been fighting the other sides as I did. I expected much more of them.
And I felt like I didn't need as much development as I had. The 3 upgraded technicians (1 catapult and two war machines) were not that useful. The common fighters (incl. horsemen) would have done it.
To sum it up, I found it hard not to get killed quickly, and in the end, it felt as if the enemy was somehow "ceiled" at some level of development.
At least I experienced that there's some sort of equilibrium to respect. I can't just grow and create only horsemens, or only archers. It is not only about attacking either quickly or waiting. I know need to learn how to fight (I mean low level selection and target affectation, approach and retreat to get a few enemies to follow alone,...) and to find
strategies. I don't know if I'll persevere enough to achieve this, though.
I haven't tried to find online partners, yet. And I haven't looked at the mods either. But the game seems to have a lot of interest and fun to offer.
Anyway, just wanted to stop by to say you guys did (or should I say "are doing") a great job.
Thanks for that.